This got skewered on launch so I never played it. Is it worth playing now, or still a pass?
I loved Human Revolution,btw.
This got skewered on launch so I never played it. Is it worth playing now, or still a pass?
I loved Human Revolution,btw.
It's a really really good iteration of what Human Revolution did, it's just about half as long as it should be
they shut it down
It's better than HR. If you disagree, fite me irl. Also with all the DLCs and side quests it took me about 30 hours while HR took 22 so no idea why people say it's short. Story is unfinished, yes, but not shorter
It's okay, certainly worth five bucks. The A Criminal Past DLC is better than the entire main campaign, though.
The gameplay is so much better than Human Revolution's, although it's quite a bit easier as well.
Its like a side story for Human Revolution set in Prague and if you buy it for that its amazing
gameplay good
prison dlc good
story ends abruptly without resolving any of the plot
only one hub
It's a good first third of a game
but then it just fucking ends
I just beat it after playing the whole series for the first time. No nostalgia goggles - it's the best gameplay in the series with the shittiest story. My only gameplay complaint is that sometimes cover has some extra invisible walls to it that prevent you from shooting shit you have a clear line of sight on.
The phone app scanner collectibles were gay as shit and you have to beat the game to unlock the hardest difficulty. Their whole monetization scheme for the game was obnoxiously gay. If you can get it cheap or pirate it go ahead.
It's good, but the side quests and DLC are unironically the best parts of the game. The main story is boring tripe.
game is fine.
breach mode is also really good, but I don't think it's up now. You you missed out on that completely, tough luck.
It's fine, grab it on sale. If you grab the season pass then note the first mission of the DLC was just yanked out of early game so it's not even worth the effort to start up. Breach mode is micro transaction riddled shit, don't even touch it.
the phone app thing isn't even up now so the triangle codes are useless.
I played Breach mode for the achievements and you would need to be clinically brain dead to ever have to pay real money for it, especially with the health/energy boost glitch
It's an amazing game that ends halfway through it.
Squeenix did them dirty
You are the first person I've ever seen defend breach mode.
>breach mode
what was it even about?
I never did any of the story stuff, I just went around breaking into peoples' home and then I eventually stopped playing it
Essentially pseudo-randomly generated stealth/kill missions.
>story ends abruptly without resolving any of the plot
Only people who don't pay attention to anything around them think this.
Play the bank DLC, it forces you do a mission sans micro transaction balance and the ending is it begging you to go play it.
I'm not defending it, I didn't particularly have fun playing it but to suggest the microtransactions are an issue is just false.
It's really good, better than human revolution IMO. The real problem that left a sour taste in everyone's mouth is that the game ends where you would think the halfway point is. Nothing is really resolved and you feel like you only played half a game. But for that half that you are playing I loved every second of it.
Yea but that's with the DLC. A lot of people skipped all the DLC because it the unfinished main story felt like such a slap in the face.
The story and characters are uninteresting and forgettable
How hard would it be to mod the first DLC mission back into the main story like it was obviously intended if Denuvo gets patched out?
>the story isn't resolved
Can somebody actually explain why they think this or is it just some opinion that gets parroted? The only bit left open is the overarching Illuminati stuff that is there to lead into the sequel we'll never get.
It ends in a cliff hanger that'll never be resolved because the series is effectively dead for another decade maybe more.
so whens it getting finished
Honestly this game was kinda shallow.
If you want to understand anything going on in the story you have to break into/hack/explore a lot to find computers and pocket secretaries.
If you wanna understand the context of the story you'll have to spend more time reading than actually playing the fucking thing.
And upon reading you'll find shit that just..isn't ever brought up? Like how Viktor Marchenko's sister is the head of the Machine God cult and the game largely ignores what happened to her or the cult. The game ignores a lot of shit that goes on.
Like you can convince a girl to destroy the Dvali drug supply...but who would they blame for their ruined profits? She's the only one producing it, and she can't escape them, she's underground. They would definitely kill her, but the game glosses over that.
Also the game hints at Jensen being a hastily put together clone from Human Revolution, but when David Sariff tries to bring this up he's shut down. And Jensen preaches to everybody "That's illegal don't do that" But if you break into every house in Prague and steal shit that will be relevant later, Jensen will admit to breaking in and stealing, and no characters give a fuck.
Also they don't give you a choice to be "pro aug vs. anti aug" like Human Revolution did, despite advertising this game and Jensen as a literal angel here to save the augmented.
It's the little shit that kills it for me.