...and this is our sons room. He's quite the gamer

>...and this is our sons room. He's quite the gamer.

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Cash me out of this mess!

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I'm not sure how to set up my room. Cleaning it now. I wish I could afford an apartment, but I'd rather just save up and go straight for a house. My mom likes the condo but I hate being connected to other peoples houses. Maybe two more years and I can get a house to my self. Just need to keep quiet, save, and I'll be set soon.

name a good one that doesn't involve dan carlin

i'm lookin

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fuck off dad.

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>Oh hey dad, I didn't see you there. Am I winning you ask? I sure am dad, I'm currently on a 1324 game win-streak, but I'll most likely take a break soon, I have to go check on my harem of women soon, you know how horny they get. Have i recovered you ask? Yeah quite good considering. Taking on 84 women in one night ain't easy but you know me, I don't give up and i don't lose. Well, it was nice talking with you dad.

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How did you get the key to my apartment?

I'll be honest, why would you buy and own these anime figurines? What happens if you have guests over?

History of Rome is godlike but I also need something besides that and Dan's show.

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It's OK to kys in this case even God will be ok with it

guests can look at my figures if they want

If you're buying those figurines you were likely never going to have guests anyway

The great courses plus classes on history can qualify as podcast I'd say. I'm listening to the United State right now and the Middle East and it's kino as fuck.

Dan Carlin is not as interesting as it used to be btw, I legit can't get into his japan serie.

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My guests all respect my figure collection

>...he's also this thing called a "furry" too...

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Hey dad!

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"Why does he have so many toys?"
"He gave up."

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Every guest I've had over thought my figurine collection was neat, some of them even asked if I was going to get a figurine from a series they liked. To be fair though, I don't collect any of the more lewd ones and that probably helps with the reaction.

I just buy them because they're things I like and I'd like to have things I like decorating my room.

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The Japan series is a bit lame, but it's still better than every other history podcast I've personally listened to. History podcasters have no personality, man. It sucks.

Usually it's a friend and they'll already be aware that I'm a weeb.

Because I am an adult homeowner and I can put whatever I want in my house. The only person that routinely comes into my room anyway is ||my gf|| and she's into that shit too, anyway.

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I can't believe I was retarded enough to use the discord spoiler tags, end me.

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Come on in guys!

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How do you focus on anything on the tv with all those fucking things surrounding it

literally fucking kill yourself and never come back to this site, in that order

You should end yourself for being a 2hu shitter.

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nope, stay mad normies

user I live be myself

That's a shit load of touhous.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate that chair by the way?

which thread made you butthurt enough to post this, Zig Forumstard?

this thread prempively

>All those Pennywise figures in the top left
I can understand if you're a fan of the IT movies/book but this guy clearly just collects this shit. Why have multiple figures of the same clown?

>What in the god damn?

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kek, so this is the power of Zig Forums...

What the fuck man?

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>he's quite the redditor!

It's the best chair I've had for the price. I've spent 700+ on nicer chairs and it wasn't really worth it because they still broke after a couple years. This $350 price point is the perfect mix of comfort and affordability, and if it fucks up in a couple years I can always replace it again. It's a nice bonus that it's about a year old and still looks like new.

Do Americans really spray asbestos on their ceilings?

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