Docked: 540p-720p

Docked: 540p-720p
Undocked: 378p-540p

How is this acceptable in 2020?

Attached: Xenoblade DE.jpg (2063x1124, 557.67K)

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Stop fucking spamming these threads. There are already 2 up. Fuck off.


They can do literally anything at all, and the fans will eat it up anyway.

(man)children don't care

God the Switch Pro cant come out soon enough.

The Switch was never a powerhouse, but by the time next gen roles around the original model is going to feel positively pre-historic.

I don't really give a shit
I don't even have an HD TV know you just admitted to being a manchild, right?

they should about fucking kill themselves right now

they have both been deleted

It turns out the act of rapidly displaying images on a screen with a lower number of pixels in them as opposed to rapidly displaying another set of identical images with more pixels in them isnt a big deal to most people

Fucking mental innit

You don't say

Do we really need another thread about this? Nobody will even care after launch anyway

Luckily now that I'm older my eyesight has gotten worse so it doesn't make a difference to me.

Why would I give a shit?

>Undocked the game can reach resolutions lower than the original Wii release
Who did this ''remaster''?

Based manchild, do you need your baby-food? Are you going to throw a tantrum if I don't feed you?

its a console of course its acceptable. 30 fps is also considered acceptable for multiplats and action games

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this earns the award for most pitiful argument of the day ive seen.

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No, Nintendo freaks need to face the shitty company they love so much.

I do, and I am
Now do your work

And SNES games will still be the best ever made, despite increasing technology.

Spamminy/flooding is against the rules. Go blog about it elsewhere.

Yeah but most of these zoomers, including OP, hate SNES games.
>le low poly is le best!
That's all you'll ever hear

>No, Nintendo freaks need to face the shitty company they love so much.
huh? i thought we hated nintendo as a company though? you're a bit delusional there my friend. maybe you should stick to a console like a playstation or something. those people tend to be the most "rentfree" about nintendos bullshit aterall for... some reason...

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If you're stupid enough to support Nintendo, you get what you deserve.

*procceedes to pull out dick and sticking in in ur mouth*

*U LICK it tenderly*

Ay uo, hows dat fo' food?

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Why yes! Thats why sony and Microsoft are pushing 4k so hard, since it doesnt sell. Why not settle for 640x480 whilst we're at it.

bless xenoblade chronicles 1, I can't wait to play it again.

Calling the pedo police cos you are ill treating a man CHILD

God I hate switchfags. I bet the Switch is a fun console by itself but Switchfags and modern nintendo fans are a fucking plague. If I mention to a switchfag that I still play and love my 3DS they go into overdrive on how I should get a switch and never STFU about it. Fuck you switchfags.

I've never owned a nintendo device but its pretty obvious that they're targeting a budget mass market appeal. you can't make a capable, small device for $200

Weak hardware is no excuse for shit performance. If this is the best the game can run in its current state, they need to cut some of the extra graphical features they've added to this version. Resolution/framereate stability should never be sacrificed in favor of a prettier still image. Video games are in constant motion, they're not still fucking pictures. There's no fucking reason a game like this shouldn't run at a stable 900p/30fps minimum without drops.

Manchild volcel reporting in, where's me nugs fugs?

Switch is the best system hands down ahahahaha gotem

Ssshhh dont tell nintensoys, let them fund my games

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Hope you enjoy Xenoblade 2 user

>full on Sony cope now that weebshit has surpassed their movie

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