What does Zig Forums think of the original Deus Ex? I got it for less than a dollar on Steam and it's certainly an experience. My first real DE game was Mankind Divided, and I was curious what the very first game in the series was like. So far I'm just past the tutorial and arrived at the Statue of Liberty and I've taken the approach of sneaking in the bushes and jumping out at people like a cyborg Jason Vorhees (So basically Jason X, if you ever saw that movie)
I also basically finished the last part of the tutorial as a bloody, limbless torso due to accidentally hitting some TNT crates. I've been having a cyberpunk (not that one) itch lately and I got this game plus E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy just to scratch it,
Deus Ex Thread
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recommend you already ask a refund for EYE unless you can fathom incredibly shitty and poorly optimized gameplay. for real.
the cons of that game vastly outnumber the pros.
I want sex so bad in these game but no one to give sex with bad real sad man but some day now I sex good real bad some day gone now until no
also i recommend Ruiner and Hard Reset
What are those games like? How do they handle Cyberpunk setting or gameplay?
One of the best games of all time. There are so many secrets and things hidden around that you'll still be finding new stuff 4 playthroughs later.
>t. Jian
I'm replaying it and having a really good time. Doing a big guns/demolition run and its amazingly fun (need some previous game knowledge to make it work tho)
I saw you could change how your character looks to a few preset heads, But I knew I wouldn't properly be playing the game if I didn't choose this Mug.