Dragon Ball FighterZ thread

So you want to use blasts against me?

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...come on man do i really have to make an android18 or kefla cooooomer bait to get people to talk in a thread?

>blockstrings the game
no thanks
just post Kefla

bro. just dragon rush lmao

Honestly, it makes me ashamed that I have 220 hours in DBFZ and I still don't know how to properly play this game. I still haven't learned a single TOD combo, still drop basic combos and neutral is really hard for me. Maybe I'm just retarded and should stick to turn based games.

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You have to use all the girls. Personally, I'm hoping for Roshi next.

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>TOD Combo
You don't need it imo. Unless your happy birthdaying, it's better to save the sparking imo and just keep them in the corner.

>Drop basic combos
It's muscle memory, once you figure it out enough times you won't have to think about it.
End the combo early if you zone out like I do sometimes.

Did they jump? If so SUPER DASH ON THEIR ASS, nobody fucking J.2H in this game. If they're playing keep away they're going to jump eventually. I usually play characters that can safely reset their blockstrings and the second time around usually gets them.
Tick Throw DR if they're being really defensive.

If you play on PC I can play a few rounds with you.


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I just wish the netcode wasn't so shit

Might be worth a shot but its 2 am here and not sure how much I can play

Any word on who the next fighter or when they'll announce it?

No, it just took me a minute to see your thread. Now that I’m here this thread has exactly 0% chance of dying!

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They just leeroyed the game with UI goku, shits completely busted.

>hero-flow starts playing

Evo seems like a safe bet. There’s “rumors” it may be Roshi but if Smash speculation has taught me anything don’t believe any leaks and just be patient

BFTG is better than DBFZ, I'm sorry.

the way he said that was kinda awkward, was it translation issues?

This but SFV. I regret buying it now honestly.

who will the final three be?

I’m sorry that I don’t know what that stands for

There is literally a thread with that abbreviation in the OP right now.

This was my favorite movie until Super Broly


I watched it a week ago and hell yeah it was good. Resurrection F was ok but the SSGSS powerup came outta fucking nowhere and fuck them for not letting Vegeta take the win at the end. I still gotta finish Super before I watch the Broly movie, can’t wait though!

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Is he really?

It is really good

No, people are just overreacting. Give it another week or two and most people will agree he’s not even S tier

I would assume if they're gonna wait that long to announce it they might just blow their wad and say who all three are.

It's slightly different in the original.
He says something like "Hakai wo tanoshii *********" ( Don't enjoy destruction/don't treat destruction as something funny? ).
I really appreciate the dub, tho. This scene has so much energy.

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I swear I'll never settle on a mid

is it that bad on console? on pc with 1-2 frame delay its really solid, the only times I had issues is when I was just bad and wouldn't have done any better offline, with 2 frames less delay (like when my spacing on converting off a superdash doesn't work right because I was one pixel off)
stop mashing

You'll love the Super Broly movie then. Also pretty fun to play in FighterZ.

There are definitely cases where the connection is really good sometimes, but that happens like once in a blue moon, but most of the time match making is just bad, then there's people who don't use an ethernet cable so the whole thing is just messy and frustrating.

Sorry user I was playing a couple of rounds.
Are you in EU? It may be a bit laggy but I'm still on for a couple of games I'm NA.

It's clearly going to be the farmer.