Comfy Xbone Thread

What are you playing?
How are you liking Game Pass?
Any hidden gems?

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Orange Box
>game pass
No way fag
>hidden gems
Mark McMorris Infinite Air

>Mark McMorris Infinite Air
It looks just like a cheapo version of Steep, is it better than that?

It's more realistic than Steep, like Skate if it was a snowboarding game. Hard to get a hang of, but is great when you land tricks and has a rewind feature that goes far back

best place to get a one x? every place ive seen is either sold out or close to launch price

Where do you live?

Master Chief Collection and Killer Instinct


>game pass

wtf is that?

i am playing ballad of gay tony. IT's a game i put off until i got laid off and became a neet

Attached: [V LIVE] [Live - Rocket Punch] 양갱즈 왔어요!! 얼릉 들어와😍😍-157670.mp4-[24.09.400-24.14.300].webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)

Fallout New Vegas and Forza Horizon 4
Its nice. I've only been using it to play games with a friend though
>hidden gems
Doritos Crash Course is still one of the best hidden gems on xbox

Lost Planet 2.

Clearly designed for multiplayer but nobody is there. Maybe they are right nobody uses backpat.

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You play TF2? If so, how active is it over there?

t. Geoff Keighley

>What are you playing?
Kingdom Come
>How are you liking Game Pass?
good like always
>Any hidden gems?

I'm loving this game so far. Wanna add me to eventually play in the future?
There are about 50 people on weekends, but it's been a couple of weeks since I've played Looks like the hacked server guy is popping up more frequently, too

What's up with We Happy Few? I just started it and the setting is interesting. Like some Fahrenheit 451 shit. I hadn't heard anything about it until I saw it on game pass.

grabbed by the ghoulies

It's sad that Rare Replay is the only Xbone exclusive left as far as I'm aware. Grabbed by the Ghoulies is a remaster on it as well so it's probably the best way to play that game.

As a fellow X-er that has been stuck on the 360 till now. Does anyone know if the xbox one x will be restocking or where to get one for cheap? I sorta wanna finally upgrade and want the one x so I don't have to really upgrade when scarlett and shit come out.


its fun, never played it on OG xbox even though I had one, actually didnt even hear about it back then. Kinda wish captain skyhawk was in rare replay but w/e its easy to emulate. Actually would nut if they made a captain skyhawk remaster like links awakening (same game basically but graphics)

Is it a bad idea to buy an Xbox One S? The X is way too expensive in my country and I might as well wait for the next gen.

not really playing on my OG Xbone anymore since its not running well, playing shit on my PC until the Series X Comes out.

Just finished Huntdown. Been playing Levelhead the mario maker clone that's good despite having a small faggoty community. Descenders is probably my favorite gamepass game I'd buy if it were removed

Ive had a ps4 since 2014 part of me wants to return to Xbox (had both the og Xbox and the 360)

Bone S and X are both really cheap right now but I'm holding out for the Series x

But every other week I feel like just going for a bone

eBay GameStop or Newegg

Newegg had them as low as 215 a few weeks ago and on eBay you can get one used for refurbished for like 270

I'm playing the KH HD collection, currently on Chains of memories, making decks is fun

>What are you playing?
Resident Evil 3
>How are you liking Game Pass?
Second best deal in gaming aside from piracy
>Any hidden gems?
They removed Kingdom New lands so not anymore. Also they need to add Cuphead already.

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Oh kh is on xbox thats right let me just... wtf. Also no physical available

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wait they remove stuff from gaypass? sheeeiieieiiiit

Microshit exposed

it was on sale for $19 a few weeks ago