Only 17.9% of Steam Users saved best girl

>Only 17.9% of Steam Users saved best girl
What's your excuse, Zig Forums? Deus Ex Thread while we're at it.

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I saved her, I also saved Paul.

I think many people haven't realised you can. Also best girl is Eliza. That aside, who did you side with at the end? For me it's
Darrow > suicide > Illuminati > Sarif.
Human augmentation is honestly pretty horrible even when you don't live under conditions of capitalism.

I went lethal to do so, she was the only non-asshole character

She was ugly and not worth wasting the ammo to get rid of the assault force

Imagine not wanting to be a cyborg.

>What's your excuse, Zig Forums?

I really liked her character (not her look), not like her male, annoying fuckcunt counterpart in MD.
She felt like an actual believable partner and person in the game.

Attached: malik.jpg (942x75, 8.19K)

I pirated it so it didn’t count me

>be me
>university graduate
>find an entry level position
>Successful applicants must have 10 years experience, a PhD and an Amazon™ BrainTrain4000™ cortical implant
>I guess I'll buy one
>20K for the implant, 5 for the surgery, and 500 per dose of Neuropozyne
>get another loan
>Oh well, I have to improve my credit score anyway after missing out on that one CC interest payment in grade 10
>Thank god that surgery went well!
>Go to the bar to celebrate
>Try to chat up with a girl
>Going great
>Some asshole with huge metal arms comes and just shoves me away
>I open my mouth to protest but I hear an ominous whirring noise coming from his arm
>Fuck it. The girl didn't even care if I was OK. She's not worth it.
>Maybe I should invest in an shiny new arm once I pay off my loans
>Feel a buzzing in my brain
>A pop-up ad for Amazon™ BrainTrain4500™ pops up
>Drink verification can
I would LOVE to be a cyborg!

I pirated the game to see if it would run on my shit at the time PC. It ran fine so I bought it, bought version ran like fuck so I had to play the pirate version as a glorified legal emulation where I technically own the cart. I never got any achievements but I saved that beautiful bitch every play through