>No, game mods just aren't for me. I'd rather play the game the way it was intended by the developers.
No, game mods just aren't for me. I'd rather play the game the way it was intended by the developers
i mean its not the wrong way to play mods are pretty onions if its not just too enhance the game after youve played it a shitton
Go home, user, you're drunk.
Wojack cringe
Game is already good, modders can produce good maps and mods (like Doom)
Game is shit, but mods can fix the core problems (like TES)
Most mods might as well be cheating in a multiplayer game (like MH)
Is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. high tier or mid tier?
mods that add new content are great but anything that changes the base game is pretty much always a downgrade in my experience
If a game needs mods to be good than it isnt good. Simple as.
In between
>install xcom mods
>creator didn't account for tons of scenarios and it's either way too easy or too hard
every FUCKING time
I didn't finish my playthrough of stalker for this rrason. Cool game, but feels like it needs mods. Felt weird i wasnt plating it as it was developed so just stopped playing instead of modding it
I am halfway like this.
I won't use mods until I'm done with a vanilla first playthrough, just to see what the game was supposed to be before I start fucking with it.
This. Same as going for a hundred percent playthrough or intentionally doing certain routes or endings only after a totally blind vanilla playthrough before f***ing with it
hahahaha funny leddit meme hahahaha
>Glad you want to play , its awesome!
>First thing you need is to install an emulator and get an iso. You could get a real console and mod it but uhh this classic genre defining favorite of mine isn't worth real money.
>Now, since arcades existed back then, all games are unfairly hard, so you'll need DJSmokeUPs balance fix patch.
>And those textures are pretty yikesy when you play them on your 60 inch 4k, luckily SSJNarutoNinja retextured the whole game, now it looks as the developers intended.
>Aren't you glad the emulation community is here so you can play games the right way!
>mods that claim to be "balance fixes" that consist of buffing the modder's favourite classes and nerfing things that didn't need to be nerfed
>mods that "improve" graphics by making a ton of unnecessary changes to level design and putting a shitload of lights everywhere that tank performance
That's the best way to do it. I'm not sure why people want to change a game they haven't even played yet, outside of something like fixing bugs. It's not too uncommon to see people play a game with mods their first time and then complain about an aspect of the game that bothered them, only to not realize that what they're complaining about was from the mods.
Wow is that a feels guy? That's amazing! He looks like a nerd! That's so funny.
First run always must be done vainilla, that is a fact.
>You shouldn't exploit glitches in the game when speedrunning it
Nobody fucking cares holy shit
Pure brainlet take, check mods based on C&C or Diablo 2 games for some great examples
I have yet to see a mod for a game that wasn't solely for the purpose of getting coomers to jerk off
Then your game culture is absolutely baffling.
Team Fortress was a half-life mod. Garry's mod is in the name.
Total War & Civilization games were basically meant to be played with mods until devs realized that curtailing mod development means you can sell DLCs more easily (fuck them for that, btw)
Mount&Blade games are/were decent of their own but were greatly moddable and you'd be missing out to not play with mods.
That's because you're either ignorant or young as fuck.
Hell, your opinion (which is common on Zig Forums) absolutely made me seethe so I'm gonna roll with my steam library to add on extra examples:
Age of Empires had a few mods but much harder to mod than most games of its time
Europa Universalis 3 & 4 basically fall in the same category as Mount&Blade
Witcher3 is a nice and dandy AAA game but mods massively help to fix the shabby parts of it
Dark Messiah is a source mod
MOBAs were warcraft mods
And I'm taking the definition of "mods" very literally, not even including fan maps/missions/content that don't modify the game but basically extent the game's duration by forever.
Jesus Christ I fucking loathe people who genuinely think your post.
Frankly i adore mods 160+ in DD and close to 50 in Xxcom, but cant blame folks who prefer a vanilla run.
Different tastes and aall that
born 2002, guess again.
99.9% of stalker mods.
baited hard