When and where will the dlcs take place? If I remember correctly the Osaka rebellion was the only real threat to the Tokugawa Shogunate, with almost 300 years of peace proceeding it. I can’t see them jumping to us to Imperial Japan. Will we be sent backwards in time?
Nioh 2
This is exactly what happens. The sword makes MC a time janny, the DLC happens in Heian era.
We're essentially getting the Sekiro DLC we never got in Nioh 2.
I thought the plot for nioh 2 was a step up from the first but this is starting to sound very stupid.
>Will we be sent backwards in time?
Yep! Mentioned in a tweet by the devs. The first DLC will take place in the Heian period.
That's kinda funny because Sekiro's plot already has the Nioh 2 sword. The Dragon wields it in the bossfight.
Also Ashina is doomed and MASAMUNE, LORD OF THE DATE comes and fucks them up.
Is this game really a combo of MH, Souls, Ninja Gaiden and Diablo? My friend told me that and now I wanna pick up the deluxe edition since it's on sale. Is it worth it Zig Forums?
Onmyo + Odachi destroyed the final boss wtf. I beat him first try and I'm not even good at the game, I was very surprised, the same thing happened with Gehrman the first hunter when I played Bloodborne.
It's literally the same thing as Buddha statues teleporting you to the past in Sekiro
>Is this game really a combo of MH, Souls, Ninja Gaiden and Diablo?
i feel like thats a reach and im not familiar with mh like that but it does contain similar elements with the rest i.e. the loot system is like diablo
its a good game i like it
Who's talking about Sekiro though