Just built a mean PC. The question now is, should I use a PS4 or an Xbox One controller...

Just built a mean PC. The question now is, should I use a PS4 or an Xbox One controller? Which do you anons prefer and why?

Attached: 0_PS4-Xbox-Controllers.jpg (615x409, 25.7K)

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Decide for yourself.

I've got both and I prefer the ds4. I get some lag sometimes with the xbox one controller for some reason and it's fucking annoying as shit. Never had any problems with the ds4 using ds4windows.

I think you should use a mouse and keyboard
Gamepads arent for anything except driving games

based pirate user

I use Xbox One. It is more comfy to grip, the analog sticks feel better, and it has more comparability with games on Windows.

well i prefer ds4 because the dpad is good and i like the stick placement better. but it's just personal opinions mostly. usually use sixaxis myself

What is the point in this? Whichever you like. The difference is literally non-existent other than preference.

Neither. Pic related.
Not to mention for 90% of all stuff, KB+M is superior choice.

Attached: logitech F310 gamepad.jpg (1920x1572, 407.31K)

unless you have child hands, the Xbox controller