Serious question: why does this game receive such a disproportional amount of vitriol on Zig Forums? I've never seen a single game receive anywhere close to this level of hatred and obsession. Is it because it is Sony? Is it because the director is Israeli? Is it because it has lesbians? Is it because it has cutscenes therefore hurr durr movie game?
i remember consistent negative Zig Forums doomer spamming regarding FF7 Remake and Death Stranding, two other sony games, but it never received this level of hatred. I cannot understand why this game along provokes such an unending stream of pure rage and seethe from Zig Forums
Because it’s awful, the most universally hated game on the internet since Me3. Nobody likes it except for Resetera & GameFAGs.
Leo Phillips
somebody didnt eat their mother of all omelettes
Parker Hill
TLoU is overrated to the same degree that the series is hated on Zig Forums. If the first game hadn't received a million undeserved accolades, the sequel wouldn't receive so much scorn.
Nathaniel Ramirez
The perfect mix of wokeness, "art" bait and cinematic gaming.
Jacob Garcia
games like BOTW are infinitely more overrated and undeserving of accolades
Zig Forums is nintendogaf and hates sony, this is a fact.
Caleb Adams
>turns it into consolewar shit
Leo Campbell
The first game is really good. Why do you care if it got praised by game journos?
Parker Rogers
Brandon Gomez
I have a PS4 and TLoU is overrated as fuck. It doesn’t even use the medium to tell its story well, which is one of the advantages that video games have over other forms of media, which is baffling considering how many times it gets jerked off by the mainstream media over its story.
Colton Davis
but you gotta agree it´s really hard to not hate sony since their decline is really insane. 2 decades ago they pumped one gem after another, great console for westerners as for weeabos. now it´s for paypigs and trannies. they pump out maybe one or two great games per generation (!) and homogenize all of their first party games. t. snoyfag until this gen
Isaac Richardson
When something mediocre receives endless sucking off and gets called a 10/10 masterpiece everywhere else it's going to get shit on more here. Doesn't help that its fans are pretentious egomaniacs who think it's some profound deep artistic treasure and liking it sets them above everyone else. Besides all that, it's made by Californian fart-huffers that desperately want video games to mimic movies.
Nathaniel Martinez
they are still the best system in the market. xbox is dead and nintendo still hashes the same kiddie IP trash and ports as always.
Adrian Lopez
No systems are worth owning at this point.
Ryder Gonzalez
it's because I liked the first game and its overrated
Lincoln Russell
Multiplayer made the first worth owning. Without the multiplayer component 2 is worthless. Now fuck off.
Zachary Sanders
>I have to downvote anything I disagree with Go back
Likely because it's one of the most overrated games to ever exist. Of course when you have one normie exaggeration, you will have retarded incel rage coming from here. Everyone not onions and not an incel know it's a solid 8.5 game but not a masterpiece.
Jack Cruz
>Is it because the director is Israeli? I have you ever considered that maybe there's a reason so many people from different countries and different cultures hate jews
Mason Watson
ps4 absolutely is. has been god-tier this gen.
Michael Ross
It's 8 with multiplayer, barely a 6 without.
Nicholas Fisher
hey I get it, I hate Jews. But I can still divorce the artwork from the art. I love the Raimi Spider-Man films even though the director is Israeli.
Christopher Rogers
It's a shit series that deserves to die. It doesn't do anything new or exceptionally well while leaning into being more visual than interactive. Games that focus on gameplay and attempt to innovate in stale genres? I hope you're baiting.
Christian King
>why does this game receive such a disproportional amount of vitriol on Zig Forums? There's no where on the internet where this games getting positive reception dipshit.
Logan Perry
Lesbians plus white man dies
Anthony Martinez
Because Zig Forums and TheQuartering have a huge cross section. Average age of 12 who just discovered Daily Wire.
Gabriel Lewis
Trendy to hate + the SJW agenda that Zig Forums turns into frothing animals over + TLoU 1 being empirically the best video game ever made which also turns Zig Forums into frothing animals is very potent.
>TLoU 1 being empirically the best video game ever People who say this legitimately do not play enough vidya.
Thomas Hernandez
no, they are absolutely not, you´re just sad individual who thinks that brandloyalty will pay off some day but what it really does, is attracting copycats. sony followed microsoft for a reason when microsoft implemented the subscription system to play online, generate more revenue and income, making the consumer more dedicated to them, in return they give you games which they need to raise the playerbase for, it´s genius! among shit their turd maybe smells the least worst but in the end, they are all shit. the last system which is worth to own is a PC optimally with pirated software but you won´t understand why this guy gets it. but coming back to your blind following stance, what´s been godlike about this gen? the only godlike game for me on my ps4 was bloodporne and that´s all, maybe yakuza ishin but i stopped somewhere in middle since i got tired of watching cutscenes and pausing them for the translation. all other shit is multiplat or simple shit. and don´t come with some mmo tier garbage like fifa, cod or fucking overwatch.
Jordan Gomez
John Thomas
Fuck off console fag. Both TLoU and BotW are two of the best games of the past 10 years.
I have no interest in this tranny baiting shitshow.
Jack Brown
>TLoU and BotW are two of the best games of the past 10 years. Yeah, if you’ve played nothing else.
David Evans
Because it's a Sony game that got praise on the level of the best NIntendo games, something that Zig Forums can't accept.