>make an extremely hyped up sequel >remove half of the features and furniture from the last game and introduce limited terraforming to distract from what you took out >unexpected virus forces everyone to stay home, long holiday event exposes how repetitive the game is >say you'll release "new" content over time >it's just shit that's already been in the series, stuff included in other games at their launch >include a minigame with the update that takes you 5 minutes to complete >$60 for an unfinished game
I'm shocked we still can't have a fucking house with a balcony.
I didn't even unlock the terrforming tools yet and I've completely lost my drive.
Ayden Richardson
there are a lot of fair critizisms here. too bad every autist on Zig Forums has to force in le ebic memes.
Zachary Robinson
I think that, in NL, having vacant buildings that you knew were bound to have businesses locate there eventually was really good for player motivation.
Tom Nook telling you "fuck, idk, do whatever" after terraforming and Isabelle saying almost every day "there's no news" is really fucking boring.
Daniel Brown
based on the flapping sound of my balls against your mother's ass last night.
John Fisher
now that you say this I want it.
>what is more color variations for all items, far more than New Leaf or any other game had even Not fun that animal crossing got Thanos snapped as well but I think having race car beds in 7 different colors makes up for it. For sure if they are just gonna add the cut content when they get it done later.
Not sure of what mini game you are bringing up? May Day? What was wrong with that? Really if you wanna complain about the game just bring up what everyone hates. Dodo Airlines for starters.
Tyler Perry
May Day, the current museum stamp thing (which gives you the same shit every day), and the egg bullshit. Can't see how they'll make future events more entertaining.
Isabelle is such a waste. they could do so much with the intro section. they really should have made some kind of city huh that we could visit. more developed shops could be there, like Gracie, shampoodle, kicks, and so many more. not to mention the social hub potential. trading, sharing, and maybe even a return of digby and the home sharing function from nl.
Joseph Morales
I'd agree that the color variation is nice, however the fact that the color you get is random and you can't customize it is absolutely ridiculous.
Jack Torres
>oh noo I can't time travel and beat everything in the game within a week
James Taylor
I'm kinda happy they did this. I'm honestly tired of everything being spoiled to shit by people who rush games. Meta players are the most boring thing in social games
Dominic Robinson
you can though
Hudson Ortiz
Only what's actually in the game currently, not the future events
Yeah it's kinda nuts as far as I can tell the the it ups the drop rate for the rest of the set as long as you have an incomplete set but doesn't factor in color at all. I think it's to encourage player trading but jesus been chasing a light rattan set for a month at this rate but keep getting darkies
I think dataminers have found names that imply room to add a city. I think Return to the City Folk might end up being New Horizon's version of Octo Expansion or Heroes of Another Dimension. That huge content update that comes around to reinvigorate the game a year later.
It makes sense when you can actually interact with it to make it open revealing it’s a briefcase full of money or gold bars
Jayden Gomez
The lack of content in NH is terrible, I detest the practice of trickling in content slowly that's been going on in the industry. I wouldn't be surprised if at the end the content is equal to that of new leaf making it useless
>not finally playing e+ in english lmaoing @ your life
Liam Rivera
That was my brother, fag
Luis Phillips
what's e+
Carson Sullivan
>mad about another nintendo game
Jeremiah Taylor
Every time I play animal crossing with strangers from online forums
I always get a sense of missing out or empty conversation
I don't coffe
Ryan Garcia
The original GameCube version is actually a North American exclusive port of an N64 game. It was so popular they figured they’d localize it for Japan too and add some extra features while they were at it
Hunter Brown
>decide to try out dodo airlines >have to go through 10 dialogue bubbles before he even says get ready to leave >one last fucking dialogue bubble reaaaaally making sure I'm ready to leave GOD FUCKING DAMN NINTENDO JUST LET ME FUCKING FLY I don't remember it being nearly this fucking complicated to travel to a friend's place in New Leaf.
Isaac Allen
Oh! I didn't know that, sound fun. I expect that I can run it on dolphin?