Why is Sony doing this? I'm not even a sony fanboy, but releasing all of your exclusives on a technologically superior platform is just like shooting yourself in the foot. What's the logic behind it?
they've already squeezed all the money they can out of these games on console so now they're selling them to another market to make more profit. I guess you're just retarded and have no business sense though so you don't understand it.
Carter Carter
Sometimes I find myself thinking, "man, it would be so good if they announced Dreams for the PC". But then I come back to reality: If I am going to spend time on Dreams on my PC, then what prevents me from spending time on RPG Maker, putting some sprites from some ultra hot girls to be the characters in my game and sell like 250 copies on Steam for $ 10 each?
Kevin Bennett
What's that?
Daniel Gray
A couple things: 1. Those are movies, not games. 2. They were written by David Cage.
Brandon Long
Shut the fuck up Sonybros, your console is garbage, literally seething
Joshua Reed
The fuck is this thing? Some kind of malware pirate site?
Christian Cox
Literally the only games i’d give a shit about coming to pc are spiderman and bloodborne.
Levi Reed
you´re retarded OP. the games don´t sell for years because they are not replayable at all unless you´re starving and have nothing else to play. besides HR came like 10 years ago? it´s time to make some peanuts before remastering it for the next gen for more peanuts. those are not exclusives who ship consoles. it´s only hype material which is forgotten after release.
Gabriel Perez
your the only one that sounds like they are seething enjoy these shitty games i have a ps4 and i never played them either
Jace Morgan
>Games came out years ago >Playstation 4 is literally in the last days of its life Why not release them? It is just free money. At worst you make a couple of bucks and move on with your cash. At best you might even convince some PC gamers "Wow, Sony exclusives are great! I'll buy a PS5 to play them earlier!" The 10 autists smashing their PS4s on twitter because HZD came to PC are not indicative of the average gamer. They do not care if PC gets HZD like 3 years later. They already played and beat it, and now Sony gets a little extra revenue that can go into HZD2.
How are certain fanboys handling this news? any that rival the reaction with Horizon Dawn and that kid that broke his shit?
Jayden Adams
No they aren't. The release date is June 18.
David Hughes
>Why not release them? It is just free money. Because it can generate a feeling among consumers that the Playstation console is not worth it since the games will be released sooner or later on the PC. Not that it's bad, since Sony basically loses money on every PS sold... But that's why Nintendo doesn't do that, for example.
Logan Brooks
I do not even own a playstation
Cooper Hernandez
Yeh some guy said it was cunny-approved
Jordan Brooks
old and used up games, all of them were free on ps+, literally everyone has them and has played them
selling them again on pc is just gathering funds for future sony exclusive products, if sony can milk money out of pckeks or even epic chinks and if that means more new games for the ps4/ps5, I'm all for it
cage owns jack shit, sony funded the games and bankrolled his studio, watch him end up on kickstarter now that sony cut the funds
these two and god of war will never end up on a pc, last of us too, who gives a fuck about anything else fucking 10 years later, fucking enjoy beyond two souls lmao
Carson Sanchez
>news What news? They all came to pc around a year ago or so
Jose Miller
Fucking cope
Connor Brown
I want them. There is some bizarre charm in cage games. I already own them all though so hopefully coming to steam will make it cheaper cause the egs copies never went on sale or bundled. regardless no idea why people can't let others enjoy things.
James Jones
>watch him end up on kickstarter now He's with tencent now, so be ready for next cagekino in a couple of years from now
Cameron Hall
is it possible to "play" Detroit Become Human on youtube? Do they have videos linked to each other where I can choose which action I want the characters to do? Because I don't want to listen to a let's play. I want to Choose-my-own-adventure
Jackson Cook
Already completed Heavy Rain and Detroit on Youtube and BTS was shit, according to comments.
Xavier Thomas
they're doing this because they're tired of wasting money and resources to just remaster old games for the new console this way they don't have to implement backwards compatability either, which they don't earn any money from either because old console games are almost always bought used
Jason White
but they're all shit so why? Why not god of war and spider-man instead?
Jack Nelson
Excellent, you just made a baby step forward by noting that obvious logical move. Now you explain me why you believe those two moves can't be made at the same time.
Jayden Moore
it still isn't the same. As dumb as it sounds walking around and fumbling through QTEs are part of the experience. There is a scene in one where you can explore thr area then shit just happens in the background and you don't stop it cause you are used to walking around a house inspecting everything.
Dylan Rogers
>takes your exclusive movie games heh, thanks for watching them in the theater sony owners
Anthony Ramirez
>Because it can generate a feeling among consumers that the Playstation console is not worth it since the games will be released sooner or later on the PC. the people who care about a PC release were never profitable for sony. It makes sense now that Microsoft is doing it.
Samuel Davis
Adam Evans
They released on Epic Games store last summer
Alexander Jackson
>Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human Coming Playstation exclusivity is a failure of the game designer.