Thoughts, Zig Forums?
Thoughts, Zig Forums?
>only including girls
shota is also pedoshit and you know there are fags on here that only play games if there's an underage male character
>Do I fit in yet redditbros?? xDDD
Don't forget to add this pic to your chart OP
whatever you say mr pizza
Haha cool spell cards
I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. (((Schreier))) turned out to be a kid diddler himself
Aren't these -oomer/stereotype/"literally me" memes just the same thing as starter pack memes from half a decade ago, except with even more blogposting?
Be careful, user, you don't want to hurt the new janny's feelings
I'm kinda surprised about the low popularity of small breasts, I thought a lot of pedos liked how younger girls are flatter
You tried this yesterday
People who like oppai loli are just midget-fuckers in denial.
I dint feel like getting banned fir asking again, but no one has ever been able to tell me how a kid giving someone a handjob could lead to irreparable and significant mental damage.
Is that pic saying that even pedos know that big fat titties reign supreme? All hail the oppai lolis.
>I'm kinda surprised about the low popularity of small breasts
It's an underveloped trait, why would normal people like this?
>I thought a lot of pedos liked how younger girls are flatter
Thats for DFC faggots that believe flat chest is better
It should be legal to kill pedophiles for fun.
Well, it's obviously more shocking to see a little girl nude than an adult female
So pedos want to fuck kids but are more attracted to tits? In other words, they are more attracted to indicators of sexual maturity? That doesn't sound very pedo.
Whys Nia there?
seething isn't an argument
>curve's peak is after females hit puberty
Pedo gamer is just gamer
That is a lot of lowtest cope right there.
Where is cunny lane!
>kills the entire upper human elite for fun
>only mudhuts now
Nice froward thinking