Holy SHIT! I just got confirmation of CODENAME STEAM 2 being in development!
Wow! My favorite 3DS game getting a SEQUEL?
Holy FUCK this is BASED
are you okay OP?
do you want to talk about it?
oh no OP is such a attention whore he forgot to change his name when posting from his phone, Kill yourself. no literally kill yourself.
Wow I loved that game
Give me a quick rundown on this game and what happened with it.
goddamn what embarrassing samefagging
If it's got Lucina in it again, I'll consider it
if it means another soundtrack as good as the first one, all in
Ha ha these guys think they're detectives when we are all anonymous
Wow thanks OP!!!
the director of this game was the one that did those old art pieces at the beginning of each chapter of Three Houses
Steampunk Abraham Lincoln recruits a bunch of historical figures from the time period (a lot of which came from popular works of fiction) to fight aliens using steampunk weapons/robots.
It's basically X-Com, fun as hell but failed miserably for some reason.
I'll be screenshotting this! History in the making bros!!!
Steampunk Valkyria Chronicles from Intelligent Systems. Flopped so hard due to things like artstyle, niche premise, marketing, coming out during Gamergate with voice actor drama, no fast-forward patch til weeks later, people disappointed it wasn't Majora's Mask when revealed etc etc. The game itself was pretty hard too, especially during the beginning when your loadout was limited. It's probably one of the last times the developers tried something original with effort before retreating back to Fire Emblem and Paper Mario.
Apt description friendo
>failed miserably for some reason.
Ugly artstyle
NoA can't matket it for shit
Enemy turn take toooooooo loooooong
Oh shit that's pretty cool
Wasn't the first game confirmed to be a huge huge bomb?
>coming out during Gamergate with voice actor drama
First I'm hearing of drama involving the voice actors. Care to give a Summary?
Abraham Lincoln was voiced by Wil Wheaton & Henry Fleming (the main guy) was voiced by Adam Baldwin. The game came out during Gamergate and those two voice actors were vocal about it, in addition to being on opposing sides of GG. And then theres people saying 'I won't buy this game because xx is voicing xx and supports/opposes GG' adding to the shitpile this game had going for it.
Also this was probably the reason why Nintendo doesn't do union VAs, at least until very recently maybe.
President Lincoln 4 Smash
Christ you are a fag. I fucking love this game too. Kill yourself OP.
The saddest part is that they were teasing a "From the Deep" style sequel with last image in the game.
It was Wonderful 101 levels of failure.
hey at least Wonderful 101 made a comeback
Don’t cocktease me user. I liked that game.
Yeah, but that was because Platinum pushed for it, no one at Intelligent Systems or Nintendo will push for this, even if there is a vocal crowd of people who ACTUALLY played it and think it is cool. We aren't seeing a Kid Icarus remake on a console with a fucking second control stick because Sakurai is a hack, and that game is way more popular.
On a separate aside, they should bring back Startropics.
Also, Carter's Bestiary was so fucking awesome.
This game had alot of literary/historical references including a shitton of Lovecraft. If they remake the game, they need to get Carter's VA (literally Dr. Venture's VA) to read them. There were also these silly signs on each level, I should save them all on another playthrough.
I preordered Codename Steam and loved it.