What mouse isn't a piece of shit and dies after 3 weeks of use

what mouse isn't a piece of shit and dies after 3 weeks of use

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Anything by Microsoft.

it dies after about a year, but its one of the few i've found that actually fits my hand well so I just buy another for 20 bucks when it dies

t. gone through 5 of them

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What you posted. Lasted me 5 years before double clicking. Every mouse is going to break down so you might as well just get the cheapest comfortable option.

Anything by Razer

10$ one from Walmart

>tfw unintentional double click of doom
yeah you know its time

Anything by Logitech

what mouse is that?

I've used a logitech mmo mouse for everything for around 6 years and it's never had any issues so I would reccomend that personally

razer abyssus is best mouse to exist

Pic related is the greatest mouse ever made.

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I use a $5 mouse. Anything else with more than 5 keys are gimmick pieces of shit that serve no purpose

are there any good gaming mice that look like office mice?


My nigga. Recently bought one for comfy couch gaming and have unironically used it for OTG gaming for as long as I've owned it. Desu feel bad because I really love my G600 but these shitty wireless ones are just too good for the price. FYI Best Buy oft sells them for ~$12 too if you catch sales. Unironically hoard them.

Say that shit again.

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razer viper mini

I really want to get the intellimouse pro but I'm a handlet

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I love this guy

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this is always the correct answer

Just bought this an hour ago, hefty as fuck with all the memeweights added

Anyone use Steelseries mice? Thinking about the Rival 3, finally upgrading from generic stock shit.

A $3 genius one has lasted me 8 years
How do you even break a mouse? Are you a nigger or something?

anyone here got the ms116?

This is the one I have and it's the best mouse I've ever had. Razer is garbage that always fell apart on me.

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I have one of these thats like 7 years and another around 5. Good with long battery life, but heavy and not that accurate compared to more gaming focused mice.

Really liked the Mamba but fucker went double click in a year and desoldering the switch to replace it is proving to be a bit of a fucker. Light with insane battery desite RGB (srsly its only a 800mah battery just how)

g700 was great but heavy and the battery dies fast despite a 2000mah battery. Best side button layout of any mouse I've ever seen or used.

No. It will do and if all you do is turn based and RPG it may work, but holy damn does it matter in FPS.

Hero sensor stuff from logitech is good, Corsairs new line is looking really solid too, Zowie is good, and Razer but fuck sometimes they die faster than should for the price tag. Steelseries never impressed me usually seeming a copy of Logi or Razer but with less accuracy are a bit chunky.

Varies from mouse to mouse but the switches normally aren't hard to replace, super cheap too (except my damn mamba)

Some of Zowie or if you turn off the RGB on some of Razer but normally not so much.

I have that generic logitech since 2015, i play with controller anyways

it not what it's made out to be. marketed towards boomers without really making improvements to the mouse like that shitty mousewheel or the side buttons still not feeling like shit

Used one for the last year. Right click broke last week. Gonna try a different one. It's a shame, I really liked it.

this. best small light mouse i've ever used and i've tried all the other good ones before so im not fucking around. the shape to me is just perfect

yeah i looked at zowie mice but the scroll wheel looks terrible, using it for browsing would not be great

Still the king. I've had mine for over 10 years. I don't know what I'll do if it ever goes. Some NIB ones sell for $300+

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This. My left-handed Deathadder's been rock-solid since I got it.