Dead or Alive Thread

Today, we discuss the importance of bums.

Post anything DOA related!

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Why is she such a slut

Will it cost we 10$ every time I do.

That's my wife you're talking about.
No, this is the F2P version, user. Post away!

i think mila is actually really cool and i wish she was invited to the island of the venus vacation

Post Momiji

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She feeds on man essence.

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I love Luna!
You should've waited for the event tomorrow to get traction.

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Last daily Nostalgic gacha is up on DMM, also the free May ticket etc. from the livestream.

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Damn, May ticket was a dupe for me.

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Took like 8 tries to get the 3 fucking Spikes I needed for the S-Rank. Why does the game even let you set a strategy?

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That's naughty and rude, user.

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It's just so edible though.

Doesn't stop it from being rude.

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when are they ever going to put my black goddess lisa in this game

Hmm, then should I have posted "Dearest Ayane, I would very much like to tongue-clean your bottom" instead?

That's manners right there.

user... you don't talk to a lethal unwed kunoichi like that.

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>black sheep
>not one, but TWO daddy issues

Come on, you know she's into it.

I'm quitting if we get another shitty rerun.

I love Kasumi!

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Is that what you think of her? It's even ruder than I imagined. You're not getting more Ayane bums for that.

Wasn't the half-sail event on Steam new? I wasn't around for it, but I heard they just randomly ran the gacha/banner for it a while back, but that was during a different event. This time it had the proper Episodes to go with it.

I remember back when we had shit internet so porn wasn't so easily available. I was probably about 13 and I was "discovering" myself. I had a Gamepro magazine that had an article about DoA and pictures of the girls. That was a fun summer.

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What year are you expecting the new doa game announcement and release

I like Patty's VA.

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Not anytime soon. I don't think a game like DoA is welcome in the current state of the world unless it's something like Venus Vacation. It's a shame too. I always liked DoA's mix of hot girls and a serious fighting game. If they do make 7 eventually I hope they look at DoA 1 - 4 for inspiration.

I want to sniff Nyo's butt

None of the