Today, we discuss the importance of bums.
Post anything DOA related!
Today, we discuss the importance of bums.
Post anything DOA related!
Why is she such a slut
Will it cost we 10$ every time I do.
That's my wife you're talking about.
No, this is the F2P version, user. Post away!
i think mila is actually really cool and i wish she was invited to the island of the venus vacation
Post Momiji
She feeds on man essence.
I love Luna!
You should've waited for the event tomorrow to get traction.
Last daily Nostalgic gacha is up on DMM, also the free May ticket etc. from the livestream.
Damn, May ticket was a dupe for me.
Took like 8 tries to get the 3 fucking Spikes I needed for the S-Rank. Why does the game even let you set a strategy?
That's naughty and rude, user.
It's just so edible though.
Doesn't stop it from being rude.
when are they ever going to put my black goddess lisa in this game
Hmm, then should I have posted "Dearest Ayane, I would very much like to tongue-clean your bottom" instead?
That's manners right there.
user... you don't talk to a lethal unwed kunoichi like that.
>black sheep
>not one, but TWO daddy issues
Come on, you know she's into it.
I'm quitting if we get another shitty rerun.
I love Kasumi!
Is that what you think of her? It's even ruder than I imagined. You're not getting more Ayane bums for that.
Wasn't the half-sail event on Steam new? I wasn't around for it, but I heard they just randomly ran the gacha/banner for it a while back, but that was during a different event. This time it had the proper Episodes to go with it.
I remember back when we had shit internet so porn wasn't so easily available. I was probably about 13 and I was "discovering" myself. I had a Gamepro magazine that had an article about DoA and pictures of the girls. That was a fun summer.
What year are you expecting the new doa game announcement and release
I like Patty's VA.
Not anytime soon. I don't think a game like DoA is welcome in the current state of the world unless it's something like Venus Vacation. It's a shame too. I always liked DoA's mix of hot girls and a serious fighting game. If they do make 7 eventually I hope they look at DoA 1 - 4 for inspiration.
I want to sniff Nyo's butt
None of the