Would you consider this design fixed?

Would you consider this design fixed?

Attached: file.png (623x970, 644.19K)


nice, we should fix all v3 characters

Attached: 1588735681256.png (1003x815, 1.02M)

i think i just acquired an involuntary breast expansion fetish thanks to that image


why is her hair so long

No, it should be a progression thing. She should be bred with and converted from the Ultimate Child Caregiver to the Ultimate Mommy so by the end she has a big thicc milf body.

Attached: 1586114342130.png (513x497, 208.73K)

Yes, now post the rest of the dangan girl edits

Attached: 1588359141878_0.png (618x643, 349.31K)



Attached: monokima.png (330x310, 45.46K)

boob too big


fuck off danganautists
go back to your general

Kaede Akamatsu

Attached: 1570217915118.png (445x888, 467.7K)

post the himiko edit if there's one
oppai loli is the best

Need more short stack DR art with Himiko and Saionji.

Attached: 1568933274888.png (498x750, 412.75K)

Lolis with big butts are better

or you can just accept that you like short adult women

Attached: tenko.jpg (1280x720, 137.5K)

gotchu senpai

Attached: 1573789909985.png (640x607, 611.89K)

What do you like?

oh I meant what I said


i like them big and tall

Attached: 1577555875314.png (522x913, 519.66K)

That’s pretty cool. You are a cool user

thanks, i try my best

Attached: 1587147322624.jpg (1500x1600, 1.86M)

why is celes so cute bros

Attached: d4965b83b2a2a4d951990d3ae1df20cc.png (450x700, 231.17K)

Her feet

>How can we fix male dangans?

Attached: 1589579974457.png (437x676, 142.87K)

Chihiro exists, hes all we need.

>he likes petite men dressing as women and not big and masculine men

Attached: ZhOq3O1.jpg (275x561, 42.51K)

Ew. Small chest was one of the only things Maki had going for her.


Sorry I'm not into scat. Also, Chihiros plenty big and works as good character to dom girls or get femdomed.