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what a pathetic thread

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I have risen

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I liked that one doujin where she gets raped so hard she shits herself

>Romanced Chie on 1st playthrough
>Played Golden later and chose Naoto because I didn't like nu Chie, ended up liking Naoto more.
Is Rise worth a 3rd playthrough? Obviously I would play the original version instead of shitty P4G but idk if I want to do it again.

naoto really shines a lot more in P4G because she has more screentime, she ended up being who I liked the most in P4G too

I want to live inside Rise's underwear.

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Ye. I haven't played OG, so I can't say which one is better for her, but I thought she was pretty cool in P4G.

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and shine

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This is now a Half-Life thread.

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I only played P4 once and accidentally chose the option to not get with anyone lmao

Marie is the only girl that matters because she's canon.

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She looks like she canonically fucks black men.

Annoying or not, I’d still fucking obliterate that Mary Sue puss

based mutt poster

fucks her 50 year old balding talent manager to stay relevant in the idol industry

I'd do the same teebh

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As a fellow naotofag, please make your own fucking thread

I love Rise. She's so cute

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alright where is fuukafag?

What's this? A Rise thread that could die? Not on my watch.

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Rise only strips for me, her husband.

Time to dump some best girl

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so cute, I wonder if her managers liked to grab her twintails while they were swabbing her throat

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