ITT: Zig Forums one year in the future

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Whats the predictions anons? It is gonna be pro-tranny faggotry, or a satire on the tranny and SJW movements?

more like

Shit threat. Post corpo-mommy.

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An exceedingly boring GTA clone with occasional super woke questlines. Like, their worldview regurgitated directly. Think Vicar Max or Parvati in Outer Worlds. That's what I think. Unless based nigger is smart enough to salvage things.

I've already forgotten about it and it hasn't released yet.

Shame about Zig Forums imploding due to another successful CDPR release a year ago. The butthurt was too much I guess, rip.

will this game have a third person mode? or is the character creator virtually pointless?

How is this even tranny?
you just put robotic dildos or robotic vaginas and you do it to fuck around your way out.


Look up the thread title, buddy.

Some people will tolerate them and some not, like this year but in 2077.

Literally neither. That's just faggot media misrepresenting shit, and faggot 4channelers taking it as truth
It's just going to be sci-fi Witcher. Everyone's going to be very disappointed by how limited the customisation is and how linear the main quest is.

It is pointless, not even 3rd person cutrscenes were left in.

Well it is cyberpunk, so a bit of both

Hopefully PC version gets a third person view mod relatively early on

now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

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This shit it too meta for me. Or you can't express yourself like a fucking person. Either way.

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Look at that fucking jaw lmao

Whichever makes you feel better, bud. Cheers.

Expect 2 Pro models this time. Or more.

her children would be gigachads

bros, you all said this would btfo pc. wtf i thought you were my friends

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> predictions
TLOU-like gameplay where they drag player by hand from point to point with some minigames in the process.
TLOU2-like female characters.
Gameplay sterilized from anything offensive to SJWs and dikgirls added, which is considered "mild step towards the journo for better promo".

You really think thats what the whole game is about huh? There's a lot going on in the game they've spent a lot of time I guarantee its at least decent if anything

See, I want to agree with you that there's pretty much going to be no tranny shit at all. The only evidence for this is a hundred fake news journos reacting to body modification, likely some joke items that give you a robot cock for laughs. They spun this into "totally pro tranny! Games are so progressive" because they know it gets clicks.
Same way they write articles saying "character CONFIRMED pansexual" when a writer say they hadn't thought about a characters sexuality and they could be into anything

But the game won't even be decent. It's not at all going to be the role playing experience people would want from a TTRPG adaptation

You know what I still want to know? Whether or not gender reactivity is tied to your junk or the rest of your body. Imagine the spirited meetings they had on the subject. Or the ESRB description is misleading, who knows.

i'll get to ride bikes through a futuristic city and that's all i need, fuck your nigger drama

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