When will the MGSV beta leak, bros?
When will the MGSV beta leak, bros?
most pointless openworld ever created
Fpbp fucking based.
based retard
this is what I call a self-fulfilling prophecy
Fpbp /thread
Zig Forumstard
No that's Death Stranding
absolutely agree
open world meme needs to die asap
they ruined mgs
they are going to ruin dark souls with elden rings
This entire thread is reddit-tier. Embarrassing. I feel sorry for OP that he was gifted you retards
whoa is that a UFO
Not sure if it's THE most pointless one but it's up there
dark souls is already basically open world. semi open world.
>m-muh Snyder cut!!!
It'll be just as disappointing as what you got.
>There are still people that think the MGSV 2013 beta will have anything substantial aside from different lighting.
>There are still think that there exists an MGSV 2013 beta with new stuff even though the leaked script disproves it
Holy fucking shit lmao
MGS diehards are cucks
>Run through V on Normal
>Reflex Mode [On]
>Tranq Pistol to carry through game
>semi-auto tranq sniper late game cuz R&D Level is shit since you fulton 2 soldiers a mission if you're lucky
>ride the edge of the AOO and sprint missions after you learned time = easy S rank
>struggled in the late game against Skull and Mech fights cuz you didnt develop lethal weapons
>got absolutely fucked in FOBs and Online by players who actually learned the game
>havent played since release year or close to it
No one cares about what you think the game should have been like. Now go do a Big Boss rank run exactly like how you're supposed to
absolute Fred Flintstones
May I need to post this screenshot every thread to wrong you every single time you bullshit? No way Kojima would waste budget on any fucking trailer specific scene.
This scene was clearly once in the game.
Only when someone hacks Konami.
>No way Kojima would waste budget on any fucking trailer specific scene.
>Copy and paste Snake's animation from Shining Lights into the burnt village
>Add his demonic form as he's doing so
>Change camera angle
He literally says in the "making of Nuclear trailer" video from the collector's edition that this scene "is in the game but in another form", obviously referring to the Shining Lights scene since the animation is fucking identical.
Now show me the quote and I'll believe you.
Oh wait, you can't because it's not there and you are pulling things out of your ass.