Morrowind was the only good TES game

Morrowind was the only good TES game

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Tes was never good

Yup. Daggerfall is quite a nerdy fucking endeavor though. It also gets a pass.

Elder scrolls has always been a boring lame milquetoast cookie cutter zoomershit LOTR rip off setting but without all the interesting. The only reason people like these games is because they are dumb as fuck and don’t know better fantasy settings and games exist

Diving into Oblivion gates > Wandering the wastes to do petty quests and unite the Ashland tribes.

I'm playing it right now while I'm on chemotherapy

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Morrowind - God tier Main Quest with mostly shitty sidequests
Oblivion - shit tier main quest with God tier sidequests

Oblivion gates were fucking awful

It wasn't even that good aside from the lore.
