Am I an asshole for being an e-bushido? A lot of my friends think I'm a prick because of the respect I put into the game. When I fight I want it to be two people pitting their skills against each other. If all you do is spam a move or play a busted character I refuse to engage, I'd leave if it didn't throw me in jail. There's just no point, I'm not learning anything. Congrats you know three moves as donkey Kong, way to go you know how to spam me with nu-13. I gain nothing from these fights so I put in the relative effort. If they continue to cheese me I’ll just quit the match right there and stare at them, until they can muster up some honor and give me an honest and true battle.
Am I an asshole for being an e-bushido...
You are an asshole for considering yourself as an e-Bushido
So what you're saying is you refuse to try and overcome an enemy's move set?
You're autistic and the message they get isn't that you're being honorable, it's that you suck so hard you can't deal with a brain dead opponent.
But those people are the easiest to kill, I recently found a retard on tf2 wanting to play ultimate claiming to be "inexperienced", turned out to be a tourneyfag wannabe trying to get some easy kills, I destroyed him completely by figuring out his flowchart strategy in the first seconds of the first match.
>I'm bad but I'm too embarrassed to admit it
Fucking kek OP.
I’m an asshole for not lowering myself to spamming like you children? Lol ok sure. Maybe if kids like you would actually LEARN the GAME you wouldn’t need to spam, and I wouldn’t have to put you in time out. Explain to me how I AM the asshole here.
I always make it a point to play as spammy as possible, with my goal being to infuriate the other player until they make mistakes, and then secure a win. It works really well because even if they are good enough to overcome your spam (only after a lot of damage has already been done, usually) then they think they've won only for me to switch it up; it always catches them off guard since they thought I'm a one-trick pony.
I'm not playing to win the game on the screen; I'm playing to win the mental game. When the other player (people like OP) are no longer having fun, thoroughly seething and ready to break their controller, I relish it. It's such a great feeling and you can even often tell when people are mad over the internet with no chat.
I didn't say you were being an asshole. I said you're autistic.
Again, by staring them down, you're not giving off a superior vibe. What they're seeing is you being upset that you can't deal with spam.
I once fought a ness that spammed PK fire and as a result I just started jumping around a lot and throwing out F airs. You could tell that was the only thing they knew as all the moves after it were disjointed and missed most of the time.