What's the last game that you genuinely enjoyed?
What's the last game that you genuinely enjoyed?
Bloodborne. Did a replay after 5 years. Still fun.
Otherwise I mainly play racing games now. Vroom vroom haha
I feel like I can't go back to Dark Souls after Bloodborne. I still enjoyed both, but the faster-paced combat clicked with me a lot better, where-as in Dark Souls I could never get the hang of parrying and just hid behind a shield the vast majority of the time.
Last Remnant. Been grinding like a motherfucker making sure I get every possible drop from every rare monster in every area before moving on.
This is going to a cliche normie answer, but TW3 was the last $60 purchase I made and the last game I played where I clocked in hundreds of hours and never ever regretted it.
Bloodborne, but granted I played it recently. Before that it was probably Mario Odyssey
I had a good year in 2017 between Prey, Hollow Knight, and Breath of the Wild. Since then basically nothing unless you count games I went back to like The Wonderful 101 recently. I thought Baba is You was really clever but I can't say I really enjoyed it.
I was late to the party but Shadow of Chernobyl was a blast to play
user......i......I have some bad news for you
I enjoy pretty much every game I play.
If you mean "Wow I fucking love this game" then probably XBC2
played some ranked league yesterday and some rust today
it was pretty fun
Pokken desu
>Have trouble starting and finishing games all year
>suddenly get a winning streak of games I love
>Spyro 2
>Katamari Damacy
>SNES Aladdin
>Link to the Past
>Resident Evil 4
Just had an indie binge with Disco Elysium and Katana Zero. They're complete opposites in gameplay and pacing but something about the atmosphere of both really stuck with me. I had a good time.
This is my 5th all quests/items playthrough where I've grinded my ass off early game. Grinding does not make the game very difficult. Enemies stop scaling at max Battle Rank. Your party's strength is not tethered to your BR. Even if you grind to 255 BR at the beginning of the game you can still outpace the difficulty. What you're referring to was a bug that only existed in the original xbox 360 version of the game that was patched out. Everybody who has played the game since then on any system is experiencing the intended difficulty of the game.
Dark Souls somewhat revitalized my love for gaming. Since then I've played a bunch of games that I enjoyed but they haven't left as big an impact. Currently going through some older games that I originally missed from back in the day.
Is the first katamari any good
I tried the one on ps3 and dropped it after like 2 hours because I was apparently too shit to do any of the levels, event he ones I could pass I just got shit on for being bad.
I played Thronebreaker recently and it had me hooked. I just wish they didn't try to make every single decision look like a moral choice.
It's short, but really good. You gotta perfect the Step n Roll and just keep trying until you find the best paths through levels
animal crossing new horizons
Titanfall 2
>event he ones I could pass I just got shit on for being bad.
That's just how the King of all Cosmos talks.
Prey and most intensively Hyper Light Drifter
if I didn't enjoy a game genuinely I wouldn't play it
I got shit on in mordhau last night but it was fun because I was playing with my friend
Yakuza 0. The comedic writing was top-notch, and the gameplay, though tedious in one or two places, was solid. I only found out afterward that an old high school friend's dad was the one who did the translations.
Will always remember the game fondly.
Fear and Hunger.
Zig Forums recently recommended it and was genuinely good.
The one before that was GTFO.
Rebel Galaxy
Undertale. Reminded me not every game has to be some shiny AAA spectacle to be great or draw you into it
Was kind of hoping its success would've inspired more comfy indie RPGs but so far they've been lacking
I've intensely hated every single game I've ever played. They're all shit without exception.
witcher 3
Doom Eternal
I'm so picky about what I actually play that I pretty much always end up enjoying what I do play. I'm not spontaneous and I'm pretty fucking cheap too.
>Power Rangers BftG
>Streets of Rage trilogy
>Shinobi III
Yakuza 0 by a long shot. I’d heard and seen shit about the series forever, never really caught my eye. But then 0 popped up on game pass and I had fuck all else to play so I have it a shot. And I’m fucking hooked like I haven’t been in years, it feels great to be into a game this much again.
It could have been trials of mana but i really didnt enjoy it as much as i wanted
Final Fantasy 7. Unless you mean most recently released, in which case probably Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon.
If it counts, I'm working on one right now, though I've had the idea in my head longer than I've known about Undertale
What's it called?
Mirrored Soul. I post about it here all the time. I'm an attention whore I know
Who cares what the idiot bots of this board think. I'm with you there my man
Define "genuinely enjoyed". I just played through the first couple of chapters of Ace Attorney last night for the first time-- fun enough, but pretty simple + the "hallucination" part of chapter 2 was weird.
A buddy and I are about to finish a master playthrough of Terraria 1.4, but I think shoving in several content mods would be more fun. I get bored of Terraria because it has no survival mechanics (meanwhile, Starbound, which has survival mechanics is... Starbound).
Not sure what the last game I genuinely enjoyed without really getting ticked at its faults might have been. Probably Deep Rock Galactic, but I've gotten burned out after ~600 hours of it.
what I just finished 30 minutes ago, Strangers Wrath
>but I've gotten burned out after ~600 hours of it.
Yeah, probably sucks then.
Unironically TLOU
I don't get why Zig Forumstards hate it so much