What is it about Vtubers that makes Zig Forums so irrationally mad? You know they're just cartoons right

What is it about Vtubers that makes Zig Forums so irrationally mad? You know they're just cartoons right

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Other urls found in this thread:


Aqua has a sub 100 IQ

eceleb shit doesnt belong on this board

Zig Forums is for vtubers

if mods don't want to put any effort into getting rid of one kind of cancer (ecelebs), the least they could do is prevent another kind from taking root and killing this place further.

Yet we just had a wonderful 101 eceleb thread hit bump limit with no bitching

I missed her so much, guys
I was so scared

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I don't hate them, but I hate all the retarded "fahsdfjkhsd Translations" channels that have been popping up where stupid ass N5s try to translate what's going on in videos to varying degrees of success (mostly failure).
Japanese is a gate that keeps itself, and it should stay that way.

Fun Fact, the native wojakians of Zig Forums can hold entire back-and-forths shitposting against themselves. If they don't get a reply, they will reply to themselves - after which, they'll reply back once more and await any additional replies. Rinse and repeat. You can't do anything about it. Far too many of their kind assume that they must adhere to 'board culture' and play janny when it suits them. Jannies and mods don't check reports - only lurk threads they're interested in and have a tab on refresh for the board's catalog. Only exception is for law-breaking stuff.

Pepsicola is my 2nd favorite

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same as being annoyed at any vidya for being relentlessly ripped off to the point of bloating the market
we were (relatively) okay with them when there were only 2 or 3

Aqua is better at games than most people on this board despite having said IQ

Korone and Marine did a collab right? Did they played games? Must have been fun they have very opposite personalities

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Who is this 'we'?
Vtubers are the most popular thing on Zig Forums. You are the minority. Assimilate or die.

Probably because it's not videogames.

Pretty silly for Zig Forums to hate vtubers when they could spell the end for twitch thots and egirls

i like vtubers but i don't like the threads on Zig Forums because you retards keep spamming stealth threads. eagerly waiting for you fuckers to realize the fact that threads get deleted means that they aren't allowed and you should stop making shitty stealth threads or for the mods to just allow vtuber threads. nothing pisses me off more than a bait-and-switch.

*seethes in your face*
*uns in your path*
*steals your heart*

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Is this accurate, Zig Forums?

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Half the catalog is not video games, this is the only topic where a large fraction of Zig Forums actively gets triggered when it is mentioned. Really makes you think...

>loses ebio to other girls
Ars didn't deserve to be NTR'd

What is it about getting your offtopic shit deleted that makes you seethe? You can always go post them in /jp/ you know

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Aqua dropped Shiina after her scandal

Give me COCO

Okayu is on the fast-track to a god damn Nice Boat ending.

Because you have no friends and are autistically stubborn about spamming these threads all day

Wow one piece of shit traded for another piece of shit what a deal!

you sound like the angry one here my guy

What happened

i bitched pretty hard.

But it's okay when it's Chinese cartoons. Especially Chinese cartoons exercising the purest form of love.


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because it's as retarded and pathetic as twitch titty streamers and their cohort of orbiting paypigs except it's even more cynical because it's disguised as animu grills

be simps all you want but stop trying to spread your AIDS in places it doesn't belong

I want to be pegged by Lulu

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Why isn't the bunny your favorite holo?

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radio silence for two days
she tweeted again this morning though so all is well

Who the fuck cares about some 30 year old woman with no future ahead of her pretending to be a "osooo so kawaii" anime girl pandering to horny asian teens and broken men? Grow up

Based Elite Shark Miko.

Company owned whores with no merit sides a female voice that their company tells them to "make a higher pitched voice with an airhead tone". Most didn't care for vidya until they figured out they could turn a profit off the desperate and lonely.
They wouldn't be doing this if they couldn't make money off you dumbasses.


and me

you seem mad you forgot your wojack


not to defend this shit but for what I have seen there are a couple who are pretty good at video james. Can't give examples because I don't know their names, but probably some homolive fag will fill in the details for me

Can't blame the predator when the pray always steps on the trap

>loses ebio to other girls
when and how

Who have you watched today Zig Forumschuuba? For me it's Maru.

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this but unironically

>Most didn't care for vidya until they figured out they could turn a profit off the desperate and lonely.
Most of the ones that play games are actually genuinely good at them. Not that you would know anything about being good at games.

It's that you bastards don't keep to jp.

Look at all his collabs this year, none of them with Ars.

Im pretty happy with the situation right now. Keep up the good work, janitors!

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They're behaving as a fictional character right now so this is irrelevant

i don't hate vtubers, i just hate ironic weebs like you who only watch niggersanji and homolive shit

I love this fox


What if I only know 3?

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Another thread closer to the purge, keep it up vtuber eceleb faggots

Honestly she's probably my favorite vtuber now

This girl and the girl in the OP pic are good at games

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I watched Flare for the first time because she was playing Devil May Cry

3dpd mad as fuck

they're the same thing, they just appeal to different fetishes
it's like listening to hentai asmr and complaining about real girl asmr

These are the kind of people that still believe Ai was the first one.

I watched Yashiro play Super Castlevania 4.


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Vtubers are only really watchable in clip format. Watching the entire shit even if you know the language is autism.

I watched Suisei's Saga Jihen premiere and Flare's Devil May Cry stream.


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Threadly reminder to report OP for Off-topic or Spamming and flooding, nothing will get done about it unless we collectively shove these threads in the mods faces with reports

Coco is pretty bland outside of asacoco and shitposting

Well you better snap the fuck out of it and realize you're in predatory territory , you don't know jack shit about this woman and you'll fight to the death for a woman faking a persona who doesn't even know you exist , sad really

Which is why I said most, I saw some of the hololive girls and the tetris shotacon was the most notable one.
I'm blaming both, the retards simping for these whores and the whores. Some don't seem to get they're barely providing for them anyways, they only take like 30-40% of the superchats.

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I like Pika and her shark teeth.

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Wait what is she any good

>When the indie vtuber gets over 20 viewers
>The sound of pure excitement in her voice as she plays her games with renewed vigor
Love indies so much bros.

the only one coping here will be you and all other vtuber faggots after they're forced to run away back to /jp/ with their tail between their legs when their proxies run out and their phone towers get banned and they can't continue to flood against the mods deleting their shit in seconds
Looking forward to your collective public embarrassment soon!

Yeah , actors are really good at acting

i have a million proxies, you janny cucks are no match for vtuber chads

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This one played Demon's Souls for 10 hours straight, 4 of which were spent fighting Maneaters on Black World Tendency.

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she's cute :)

>Goes to the gym for 7 hours a day
>wasnt even winded after doing ring fit for 10 hours
>went on to do demons souls for another 10 hours
Lulu is amazing.


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Her sense of humour is really snappy

then we must make shitposting illegal and punishable by death.

Vtubers aren't allowed on Zig Forums