Who is the CUTEST vidya character of ALL TIME?

Who is the CUTEST vidya character of ALL TIME?

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My mmo toon

For me, it's Reisen!

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Ashley, she's not only CUTe but also funny

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For me, it's Sue.
Retarded, weak, and with a wicked sense of attitude.

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is this the c&f thread because it should be

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Can you beat IN on Lunatic mode, Reisenfag?

me, nigga

Miles "Tails" Prower and Cream the Rabbit

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Nope, I only run through the games on normal! Fun genre but I just can't be bothered to grind singleplayer games, if I did I would probably focus on either Mushihimesama or Crimzon Clover.
I liked those a lot!

My wife Charlotte.

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Animal crossing has been a never ending source of cuteness

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Tomato Adventure has a lot of really cute characters and art.

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very cunning

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She's the puffiest.

Hello 911?


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Always bap the sachiko.

Hi, fellow individual. I go with Bub and Bob.


Wouldn't if be funny of these girls were naked?

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it would be a serious cause for concern

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More like a cause for laughter