What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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seethe more tendie

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Didn’t know this even came out.

That Wonder Woman character model, for one

It has been said many times but it really does feel like it's 6-7 years late.

You dont like ms coomer?

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>black widow is an main character but not Hawkeye
>ant-man is just an NPC

Fuck this game

Released 8 years too late + self insert donut steel on the cover

Marketing nightmare. If they released this during the summer of Infinity War, 2 years ago it would have sold incredibly regardless of quality

>all those studio credits at the bottom
>internet required
why? I mean - of course every console is connected to the internet now anyway, but what possible reason could they have for making the game that way?

The entire concept of bringing the style and tone of godawful capeshit movies to video games.
Modern superhero games have always better than capeshit flicks. It's a huge step backwards.

> Wonder Woman

it looks to be embarrassed by the source material. seriously look at those “muh gritty realism” designs. literally the tomb raider reboot of superhero games

So, I am not into Marvel shit aside from having watched Xmen and shit as a kid. What's this bitch's power? Is she like Luffy from One Piece?

Avengers? More like The Punjabis

why yes, I also prefer an always online generic capeshit game that looks like crap over the ultimate alliance series that has 20 times the heroes while also having good gameplay, how did you know?

Exactly like luffy

i still laugh at how they propped up the voice actors of the game and treated them like important actors. they clearly looked at the massive fan followings that the MCU actor’s have and thought they could emulate that even though nobody gives a shit about replaceable voices

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Does she do any of the intgeresting shit Luffy does with his power, or is it just "big stretchy punch" 90% of the time?

This was fucking bizarre, they're acting like these people aren't in every AAA game already

She’s basically a Mr. Fantastic rip off with a dash of diversity

Holy shit youtu.be/z2j8jS0H2_c

Oh...sounds boring.
One thing I like about One Piece and Luffy is that he actually does interesting stuff with his power, and they treat it as rubber, instead of just being stretchy. Like, it snaps back and shit. It really helps selling it. Not that I am that far into One Piece(Just finished Alabasta arc) but I really like it so far.

Literally the most generic, cookiecutter voice cast. These fucks are in so many games that hearing their voices annoys me.

>Troy Baker
>Nolan North
How do you pick these guys as your voice actors and expect people to be excited about it

wait til the Water 7 saga bro. You're in for a treat.

I think they only did that because they were too embarrassed to show the actual game and had to fill their E3 presentation with something.

Wait this came out? Lmao

I think the reason they went with a hyper realistic artstyle is so that grown manchildren wouldn't feel bad about still partaking in super hero culture. They can pretend they're watching an HBO show for real adults instead of capeshit for kids.

They should embrace it instead of try to hide from it.

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Don't worry. They won't be able to hurt us for much longer with a future lineup like this. Even someone who is 99% onions won't stick around for this.

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You're probably right

The man children dont actually read comics (Its a near dead industry) and so they are only familiar with the MCU designs. They cant enjoy any other designs

The best part is all those planned movies are absolutely not concrete since filming hasn't even started in most places and the amount of money studios have lost is laughably insane

>Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
I wonder what market decided this film getting made...

Coop Gameplay next month

Doctor Strange 2 will be good. All you ever hear about the Eternals is how diverse and gay it is.

Who the hell designed this shit? What could he possibly put in these pockets that would be helpful in battle?

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People here like to complain about SJWs infiltrating the industry but it fucking pales in comparison to what has happened to comics. No wonder no one really reads them anymore

More like a glimpse into our future at this rate.

I think game looks shit but I just want to clarify the always online thing. You only have to connect online the very first time you open the game. You can play offline after that.

Even on here Zig Forums is very lefty.

>'This will be the end of Marvel' says increasingly nervous man for the seventh time in years

Armour plates

The seeds of social justice were planted back in the 50s and 60s. Not that it matters though, the best selling trade paperbacks of the decade was reprints of older stuff and Walking Dead.

More of a Plastic Man rip off, Mr. Fantastic can’t change his mass or turn into a couch


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Dude nobody gives a shit about Black Widow. And especially now, nobody is gonna give a shit about chinks. The Eternals is look how progressive we are yay diversity so a guaranteed bomb. Only Thor stands a chance and that's if they don't cuck out actual Thor for FemThor.

Yeah yeah, Marvel doesn't have a history of turning interest around. They're done, it's a sinking ship

I'm glad you could see the light brother.