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What is your opinion on the character naoto from the video game persona 4 for the ps2?

they've misinterpreted it pretty hard
someone's gonna post the mod soon enough

I think he's a trans icon.

They just spun the narrative in their own heads to appropriate the character for themselves because there is very little actual representation. Ironic that Atlus themselves had Erica in Catherine but they completely ignored her.

Arena summed it up with her nickname.
She's a killjoy

I think she's the best girl in the entire series

First impressions are important, and Naoto characterizing herself as a knowitall arrogant fuckwit who got herself kidnapped on purpose disillusioned myself to her. As such, even after going through her segment of the story I really didn't empathize with her, and only did a couple parts of her social link because I didn't care about her and wanted to do others.

Neat character.
Also built for Kanji's cock.

I like her and hate it when fanartists draw her with huge boobs

Would I be missing out on much if I played the PS2 version over Golden?

The main things you'll miss out on is Marie and a new dungeon