Post your vidya waifus

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Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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I love Ibooky!

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How could you not

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I love Ricotta!

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I love Callie!

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I love Kasumi!

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I have basic taste but I don’t care

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Post seibas for my birthday collection

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For me, it’s Feena

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At least you picked Best Zelda

god she has such lickable knees

That's YandereDev's waifu. Back off, gremlin.

Jill! JILL!

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i would fuck the shit out of smash ultimate zelda, someone help a fellow coomer out
i would also fuck young zelda from oot

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Why is she on top of a second larger version of herself?

Just bought this, can’t wait for it to arrive

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my wife

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There are people who post in these threads consistently who should kill.themselves. Most of you are fine. But there's definitely one or two who should do it.

Such a cutie

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Is this game worth $15 or should I wait for a sale?


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Magic Knight is my one and only.

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Figures always look so great but damn are they expensive. I had to get this one though.

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It almost never goes on sale, It's about a 10-15 hour game depending on how fast you read, and they added the prologue and mini epilogue.

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wait for a sale
theyre Venezuelans and dont deserve your money also they are probably those posters

As long as you like visual novels yeah its worth that. Devs are a small team stuck in Venezuela so if you can afford it go for it.

I pirated it and I've been waiting like 3 years for a sale

No one?
Maybe her?

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Why the fuck is she resting on her own crotch

I ain't no dev, just one person

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Princess pits

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not my favorite Zelda, but I do love the belt on this design.

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Obscure waifu, but still best girl

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Wow shit taste.

Sumire will always be the best waifu in the ST series.

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I love Raven so much.

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so-sorry for the smell!!!

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coomer thread

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Nomura... Don't.

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why is it anime girls smiling make me feel so hurt

cute cuuny

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I’m sure she smells great

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