Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: 1590705542389[1].png (1200x1200, 437.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor post:

Attached: 1590698279696[1].png (1200x960, 1.18M)

Requesting Azazel learning about the Nine Circles of Lustful Hell. The further from God the lewder it gets.

Here suffer those who did not sin, yet did not have the required portal of our faith. Their punishment is the denial of Paradise.
To this torment are condemned the carnal damned. Those for whom desire conquered reason.
For the ruinous fault of Gluttony, so are these sad souls broken by the rain and the mud.
For the crime of Greed do these souls suffer. Those clerks asquint of mind made no measured spending in life. And by contrast, in these Popes and Cardinals, greed practiced its excess.
See the souls over whom anger prevailed. In the warm bath of the sun they were hateful, down here in the black sludge of the river Styx do they wish they had never been born.
Here you will find the heretics and followers of every cult and pagan sect, all buried together, burning in eternal fire.
The first ring is wholly for the violent. Because violence can be done to three persons, in three rounds it is divided: violence unto one's neighbor, unto one's self, and unto God.
Ten ditches leading down the final circle. Each filled with its own crimes, its own forms of punishment.
The lowest, blackest, and farthest from Heaven.

Attached: azazel.jpg (2894x3673, 752.58K)


Actually black, or do just Japanese women with a tan count?

Requesting the bottom reference with Elora and user

Attached: 1590698416008.jpg (563x729, 139.4K)

Requesting Pettanko Park-chan bothering people at an arcade.

Attached: 15469429391021.png (260x371, 12.74K)

Requesting Monkey Shantae drinking a banana daiquiri and getting lewdly drunk

Attached: 1275976_lui-ra-artist_shantae-monkey.png (916x1148, 939.59K)

Requesting more Javelin, Z23, Ayanami and Laffey art. All together would be amazing. All of them are so cute!

Remember: Draw more Azur Lane! The more the better!

Attached: 8f8b5fbab6185b6564db52cf38ef2f3233338706.png (1295x916, 1.39M)

Draw my OC.

Attached: dboet0u-dbcc306d-0c3e-4c4f-b978-8d9233810407[1].png (4000x4000, 1.7M)

Any shade of chocolate is good with me

Requesting Nitori Kawashiro mounted on an scv like in the topmost image!

Attached: references.png (1600x1368, 2.81M)

Requesting Schoolgirl NPC from SwSh with huge boobs
Give her a cleavage or a button gap }
Example: gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5009307

Attached: VSSchoolgirl_SwSh.png (400x340, 173.31K)

Requesting this girl files.catbox.moe/d1hfd7.png from this pc video game youtu.be/BLNIauIGy_0 wearing these tactical belts(A), holding two UZI(B) machine guns and posing in this cool way(C) Full body shoot prefered. That or she just dressed up as Etna(right).

Just a heads up:
there's a chance that a shitposter troll reply to my request, and he will be able to say anything just to prevent you draw this. he will say you a bunch of bullshit and nosense lies about bans, circumcision fetish and nazishit(lmao how these last 2 are even linked? wtf with this guy with mental illness) just to kill your desires to draw this, so please ignore that moron(he is a troll ban-evader). Feel free to report his autistic ass for posting off-topic crap, spamming/flooding, participating in or instigating a flamewar

Attached: 54656.png (1524x1368, 1.61M)

Requesting Cube from Jet Set Radio as a belly dancer.

Attached: 1590188330277.jpg (1118x1200, 325.96K)

>School for Vampires (German: Die Schule der kleinen Vampire, Italian: Scuola di vampiri) is a children/teens Italian-German horror-comedy animated television series, based on children book Die Schule der kleinen Vampire by Jackie Niebisch in 1983.

Requesting Little Renown getting anally fucked from behind

Attached: renown.png (600x572, 365.69K)

Requesting Saria lifting her skirt teasing the viewer while not wearing any panties.

Attached: saria.png (350x566, 135.45K)

Requesting Matilda from MML2 with large, soft lips.

Attached: 1590653027848[1].jpg (550x880, 41.73K)

Requesting Etna with the weapons and outfits on the pictures.

Draw more vidya mommies(male)!

Attached: EWO6HG5WsAgNwqR.png orig.png (1241x920, 143.51K)

Requesting some artwork of one of the generic units from Hoshigami, as they have no official concept art, just their sprites and portraits.

Attached: Hoshigami_Generic_Classes.png (2610x1581, 312.91K)

Requesting a Demon Days parody with The Batter from OFF, Zacharie, The Judge and Sugar. Alternatively can just be The Batter in the Gorillaz style.

Attached: OFF_Gorillaz.png (1848x1392, 844.55K)


Attached: juri.jpg (850x1331, 133.04K)

seconding and both catfigthing

Draw more vidya dads(female)!

Requesting the skeleton from the comic on the right replaced with King of the Skull Servants?

Attached: 590564328474.jpg (1920x1920, 1.23M)

My man, Squall.

Attached: 34.jpg (672x950, 505.18K)

Requesting pic related but with this girl instead files.catbox.moe/kplqk1.png from this pc video game youtu.be/BLNIauIGy_0

Attached: 4565456.png (912x510, 142.58K)

Neither of those are video game characters though.

This but dads(female(male))

Attached: ETO469gUMAUqYgv.jpg (2480x3508, 3.08M)

Big tiddy Uncle Jessie

Attached: Jessie.png (844x1062, 553.75K)



This but dads(female(male(female))).

Both? What you mean? Only Etna!

Requesting a Fate shota (Kid Gil/Hans/Voyager) giving a thighjob and leaking cum on to the dick below

Attached: Shotas.png (1527x720, 1.01M)

Requesting Reisen Udongein in a playboy bunny suit, give her another pair of rabbit ears

Attached: ReiseinIN.png (256x512, 143.86K)

Requesting Lah doing some smug facesitting, possibly playfully threatening the one she's sitting on not to move with a lewd smirk.

Attached: 1573098255999.jpg (1024x724, 96.92K)

Do you have proofs?

Sauce pls

Requesting Mettaton, Sylvando and Ghirahim doing the Pillar Men poses respectively.

Attached: Pillars of Flamboyance.png (1916x1213, 1.49M)

This but Ardhanarishvara

Attached: SMTII-Alder.jpg (1456x2312, 506.21K)


Requesting big butt Seliph

Attached: Seliph_Heroes.png (1287x1875, 1.11M)

Requesting Luca Stolas making an evil grin as she milks a penis to collect samples in a test tube.

Attached: lucarefv4.png (2000x1200, 1.11M)

Requesting two or more picks from the races from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles of the artist's choice sitting around a TV in front of a Gamecube, either holding GBAs or trying to untangle a mess of link cables.

Alternatively, just one of them on their own, with Mog holding the second controller.

Attached: FFCC-Races.png (1017x1239, 1.69M)


Attached: Screenshot_20200528-201615_Chrome.jpg (1080x1171, 283.15K)

If their cocks aren't big this isn't worth doing


So like Squall as a witch?


Attached: squall.jpg (850x1203, 124.22K)

we made early thread. that's more than enough proof.


Attached: 1576087181865.jpg (2500x3000, 999.43K)

Requesting a group of Space Station 13 clowns surrounding the thick mime girl to the top right and honking her. Alternatively can be a bunch of thick mime girls surrounding a lone clown boy.

Attached: Honked.png (2643x1431, 2.29M)

He is referring as in vidya origin user, which is what we draw here.


Requesting Kirah from Gitaroo Man in a sundress and straw hat. Left and right for how her hair should look, and middle for her proportions.

Attached: Kirah Sundress Hat.png (1698x1040, 1.31M)

>two years after his first release in the tcg

Attached: 20200528_201955.jpg (1080x1217, 237.61K)

Requesting epic stage 4 battle scene with John Morris or Eric Lecarde from Castlevania: Bloodlines versus a group of skeletons with steelhelmets.

Some good music: youtube.com/watch?v=L2l7ZC8i1Ck

Attached: CastlevaniaBloodlinesStage4Battle.jpg (1739x2424, 1.59M)

Nah he should be the ara ara healer

Requesting Morag undressing in front of someone who expects her to secretly have huge honkers due to "strapped down boobs" meme, only to be disappointed as she's actually just flat.

Attached: XC2-Morag.png (2000x3258, 3.32M)

bruh don't waste your time, that guy is just a troll. he does the same with this another vidya request

Requesting she is treated exactly like that one clown gangbang copypasta.

While made its video game debut in 2006, or 2005 in the game Nightmare Troubador according to another wiki the card was first released in 1999 as a physical release, and then 2004 in English. Where there were three Yugioh video games released before the physical release of the card, it did not appear in any of those games, nor did it appear in them to predate its existence as a physical trading card.
Perhaps you should rerequest on an appropriate board.

Attached: chrome_2020-05-29_12-50-11.png (1680x244, 33.39K)

Requesting this, but the knight is the MC, The princess is Sayori (or other Doki of choice) and the demon is Dan Salvato.

Attached: intro.png (256x224, 5.35K)

he look strong...

Which one are you referring to or what name is it?

I had a bunch of ideas for Charlotte if anyone wants to tackle one or some:
-Being kissed by a Succubus, one arm held and one hand on one of her breasts (happens when a succubus grabs either her or Jonathan)
-wearing one of the many many pieces of body clothing from the game i.imgur.com/JYOoLqV.png (Nyx's nurse outfit as well, give her the same breast size as the Nyx too if possible)

Attached: Charlotte Aulin.png (740x621, 360.56K)

>ara ara healer
That's much better. Good suggestion user.

Attached: squall.png (769x859, 726.47K)

iirc it was a greentext responding a post that said that rape couldn't be funny that involved a gang rape from a bunch of clowns climbing out of a clown car and it ended with the victim being hit in the face with a pie

Requesting Nocticula from Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous getting choked the fuck out by a gold dragon

Attached: ngdc.jpg (1200x900, 307.14K)

Oh, so went about as well as I imagined.

user said he wouldn't post this in the new thread so I'm gonna repost it just to stick it to him. That'll teach him.

Attached: 1590722380516[1].png (842x1024, 220.56K)

>duplicate file
Fuck you, I was gonna repost it myself to spite him!

Requesting Junko Enoshima (right) cosplaying Ann Takamaki's Panther outfit from Persona 5.

Attached: Panther_Junko.png (971x917, 579.6K)

More like Squall as a bitch

Requesting the left image but with DK.

Attached: monke kong.jpg (1918x1008, 360.56K)

user delivers

Attached: clown rape.png (1238x416, 88.6K)

Does somebody have the greentext? I remember I used to have it, but can't find it anymore.

Requesting Calenda from KF3 in Toki's outfit, which would be too small for her. Full body would be appreciated.

Attached: CalendaToki.png (2500x1250, 2.26M)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her Long Battle Maid Outfit, floating or very slowly falling on a dark space/black colored background, being surrounded and illuminated by the light of shiny, colorful music notes floating around her.

Character Reference: i.imgur.com/fdxo87C.png

Alternatively, relaxing and playing fancy instruments like pic related.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: musical.png (2516x754, 3.06M)

delivery time, negative 3 seconds

Blessed you good user!