Stewart argued that Sonic Adventure's addition of voice acting and greater focus on plot changed Sonic into "a flat, lifeless husk of a character, who spits out slogans and generally has only one personality mode, the radical attitude dude, the sad recycled image of vague '90s cultural concept".[380] Edwin Evans-Thirlwell of Eurogamer agreed, writing that Mario's "plucky earnestness and whimsy will always enjoy a longer shelf-life than [Sonic's] over-compensatory edginess".[217]
After the Dreamcast, the series' critical standing began to decline. Evans-Thirlwell summarized further 3D Sonic games as "20-odd years of slowly accumulating bullshit"
>addition of voice acting and greater focus on plot What is SatAM?
Elijah Edwards
Why do dipshit's want Sonic to be like Mario. I mean I like both Batman and Superman but do I demand that batman should act more like Supes no, because I like them for different reason's. Sure there's some overlap but only because their part of the same genre. Same with Sonic, I Like his games same with Mario but for different reason's and demanding that they act the same is missing the appeal.
Because Mario actually knows how to have restraint. Everything from Adventure to Unleashed was them throwing shit at the wall to keep "relevant and modern" until it all congealed into this mass of needless characters, plots that literally require everyone to be retarded to happen and the edge/lewdfagging that's plagued the fanbase since.
Camden Gutierrez
The story and personality of characters is the only thing they got right with adventure games. However the gameplay is borderline unplayable and you can't even run loops without dying.
John Mitchell
>Because Mario actually knows how to have restraint. The appeal of sonic is the lack of restraint which is especially needed in this time of uninspired, safe, status quo remakes and sequels
Eli Bell
>Why do dipshit's want Sonic to be like Mario Because sonic was better when it was Sega's Mario maybe?
Parker Gonzalez
Shut up with the "3d Sonic was never good meme" both the adventure game's were well reviewed and liked. It's only After 06 failure that all the Rat's jumped on the ship and stared spouting that Sonic never worked in 3d.
>Eurogamer Weren't they one of the one's who failed at playing Mania because they never rolled?
Nathaniel Martin
the camera on this game was shitty, but it's pretty good, nostalgia aside
and the camera got mostly fixed in SA2
Sebastian Reed
>The appeal of sonic is the lack of restraint As a sonic fan from his inception I can tell you that's a whole lot of grade A bullshit.
Hunter Perez
There were ALWAYS people complaining about 3D Sonic you fucking revisionist. Adventure got a ton of shit for its level reuse and making you play characters nobody asked for, SA2 got shit on for how unfun it was to play treasure hunting and mech sections to say nothing of the plot complaints and Shadow for doubling down on SA2 retardation after Heroes seemed like we might be finally getting away from that. There's a reason the "Sonic and his shitty friends" meme happened and it's because of the era you refuse to look at critically by just assuming everyone speaking against it is doing so in bad faith.
Jayden Perry
>Ywn get crazy shit like boarding down San Fran or getting chased by a killer whale ever again
Camden Ramirez
06 and Boom were major absolute failures. Most of the rest were mediocre and Forces was just plain boring. Sonic Advance 1 and 3 were absolutely great though.
Austin Robinson
>There are people who prefer Advance 3 to 2 The actual fuck
David Price
I'm more surprised that you like 2. It's literally press right to win.
Ayden Ward
There were always people complaining about every game. Doesn't change the fact he's completely right: both SA1 and SA2 got glowing reviews when they first released for Dreamcast.
Caleb Hill
Sonic's downfall began with Sonic Adventure. People have been saying it for years, and other people have been denying it because they are delusional copers.
In other news, the sky is blue and Jews deserve genocide.
Michael Sanders
The partner mechanic was THAT good. Better environments too.
Isaac Ramirez
1 is pure substance 2 is just Style > Substance 3 is Style = Substance
Cameron Nguyen
It began with Sonic Heroes.
Anthony Edwards
While it is true that Sonic's major problems started with Adventure, they don't lie within his attitude, they lie on the overabundance of his artificial relationships, the wide variety of "friends" and the plastic interactions. People here will never understand, but the reason Miyamoto decided to remove all of Mario's companions in RPGs is to avoid that, it is not natural that a person interacts with so many people, there's no need to have a different "personality" for each spec of dust he breathes.
Logan Wood
Do I even need to say it?
Parker Turner
Personality doesn't matter as long as the game is good. Sonic has been hit or miss after adventure, mostly miss.
Jayden Lewis
>Because Mario actually knows how to have restraint
Bullshit and you know it.
Jack Howard
No, he's right, just enter any Mario RPG thread, first thing you'll notice is endless bitching about Miyamoto "killing" the franchise, when in reality he saved it from becoming an autismfest.
Brandon Price
Mario Dance Dance Revolution is the definition of restraint.
Landon Lee
It matters, a lot, main reason I dropped Adventure was the retarded interactions he had with his friends.
Christian Ortiz
I never liked 2. Literally boost to win in 2D which is a terrible idea.