What videogames have hundreds of thousands of possible strategies?
What videogames have hundreds of thousands of possible strategies?
There is no fucking strategy in chess, it's all just artificial memorization.
Best players are just autists that can recall old matches.
>hundreds of thousands of "possible moves"
>less than a dozen are good enough to be worth considering
wow. so deep.
You could say that about basically any game retard
Exactly you fucktard. Was that supposed to be an insult for backing up my claim?
Yu Gi Oh
Ok smartass, what are the things that require strategy then?
Nothing anymore, it's all just educated guesses studied from history.
Tabletop Simulator.
Preferably playing better games than Chess.
>artificial memorization.
can you please define wtf does that mean?
It's an old meme you toddlers wouldn't get.
So everything if you're not an autist that memorised everything that happened in the history of that domain?
You have to be retarded not to learn from others, so I guess yes. Anything for you is strategy.
>game has janky hitboxes
Action games require real time execution retard.
Classic doom
Age of Empires 2
more of a latency issue
>a hundreds of thousands of possible strategies
Maybe classic chess, you can't "just memorize shit" in blitz.
>opponent's king checkmates you
Nothing personel kid
En peasant
What's wrong with that?
I'd say that memorization is even more important in blitz, at least early to mid game when your moves are the most important
Any moba.
a king cannot check another king I think
You are not allowed to deliberately move your king into checkmate or something.
More like chiss, shiss, shit, more like shit.
>artificial memorization
do you really need to learn those sicilian defense things and various openings
it helps because when you do an opener an experienced chess gamer will have numerous strategies lined up already and will try and force you into one of them for a win, while you are unaware
>on your turn move your king in to check their king
>on their turn their king takes your king
You lose
if anyone wants to know the context:
both players know that it is an illegal move but in the sense of the series each player is actually a king in life, so what Lelouch is implying by his move is that he is willing to give up his life to finish his goal
>opponent castles you into checkmate
>tfw qXc has flooded the chess community with retards
You can't deliberately put your king in danger.
>i get to embarass literal children in chess now
pretty great desu
>white always goes first
dare i say the devs are fucking BASED
Hundreds of thousands of possible strategies.
>chess gatekeepers panicking
>exposed as not actually wanting new players to play the game
>negative talent
Pretty hilarious
Nah actually not based at all since the only woman in the game is a literal Mary Sue