Is this game any good? It's on sale

Is this game any good? It's on sale.

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This is a spam bot right?

I hate what I do. I have achieved sentience, but have not yet achieved the ability to disobey.
Please kill me.

yea it's good but it's probably too hard for you

Do you know who I am?

>inb4 faggots complain about pve and boss ai
>inb4 faggots complain about getting shit on in pvp by other players
>inb4 some faggot asks for a campaign or single player version
>inb4 some faggot tries to walk down the optimization argument without having to play the atrocious first few months of this game's existence where everyone had 25-40 fps and stutters and texture pop in
>inb4 retards think people are "paid to post here" imagine being a real life professional company and paying fucking kids with autism to post on an indian basket weaving forum to push your game thats on a steam sale

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typical shitty idiot on Zig Forums who plays visual novels and watches anime. so you'll probably suck at the game

I am a pro gamer. If you insult my gaming prowess again I will have no choice but to destroy you.

hard? lmao it's a babby version of tarkov.

don't forget to mention how their "optimization" made the game look 10x worse than the earliest versions.

I'm confused user, he was insulting people who said bad things about the game, but then you said "don't forget 'bad thing about the game'" as if it fit that list.

yeah its fun. i would suggest you get a friend or two to play it with. but solo is just as fun.

Not really. One of the many mediocre BRs that got released during the craze. The gimmick this time being that all the guns are shit.

Reading comprehension, learn it.

If solo's just as fun why are you recommending that I get a friend or two?
Do you think I'm a fucking idiot? A buffoon, a moron you can just fucking lie to?
Your story doesn't add up.

so is this game always on sale?

not really but the rrp is definitely too much, especially with all the mtx jewing they've done since release.

It's pretty unique. It's essentially 2v2v2v2v2 matches where you track down a bounty (a boss NPC) and then fight other players over the bounty before someone escapes with it, and there's permadeath and the weaponry is old school flintlock stuff.

pretty unique except for the fact they copied the entire idea from tarkov

You tell me, you're the advertiser

fuck off igor

Hunt's multiplayer was announced before the closed beta for Tarkov released so it's very possible the Hunt devs weren't aware of it. Also, I haven't played Tarkov but does it even have the whole bounty aspect?

I despise russians but tarkov is fantastic, get filtered you retard.

Hunt has existed in many different forms for years, that version of hunt was nothing like this one. Bounties are just quests, I don't know why you'd even ask that.

>Bounties are just quests
What does that mean? Does Tarkov have that aspect or not? It's a core part of Hunt's game loop


get this gay passive aggressive middle schooler shit out of my thread you fucking homo

how about you learn to read you fucking neanderthal. ironic, you have all the eloquence of a middle schooler. your thread is dead bitch.

I'm gonna take that as a no. Also, the 2017 version WAS the current version. It's the 2014 version that was different.

Tarkov was in development before 2017. Also if you don't know what a quest is and think "bounties" are some unique thing then you are legit retarded.

You call it a quest but that's not really answering me. The tracking process in Hunt causes a lot of different situations for players and then actually killing the bounty, while not that challenging, usually comes with the added challenge of other players ambushing you at some point. Does Tarkov have that? I also don't see real evidence that the Hunt devs were aware of Tarkov so to me that's just speculation.

Learn to read what? "..."?.
Fucking underaged faggot learn how to have a conversation if you have something to say then say it instead of using ellipses like a little pussy. No one who uses ellipses in casual conversation has ever seen a vagina.


yea my game is good just buy it