PSO2 Thread
NA Tweaker is out and avoids most of the install problems
They also found a fix for the lobby lag
PSO2 Thread
NA Tweaker is out and avoids most of the install problems
They also found a fix for the lobby lag
Other urls found in this thread:
Guys? You said this was an mmo. I just fought a Diabolos with crystals on him. Did you lie to me? Is this just Monster Hunter?
What are the problematic graphics settings in this game? I'm getting 25-30FPS just sitting next to the fountain in the Casino with the menu open, which I don't think should be happening on a 1070ti, but I don't wanna sit here fiddling all day to find out the culprit.
Source me on both.
NA tweaker doesn't do shit yet
>Still have to download through MS store
>Still have to launch the game with the official launcher
NA Tweaker:
Lobby Lag Fix:
1. Go to C:\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\pso2_bin\...
2. Rename pso2launcher to something else
3. Make a copy of pso2.exe and rename it to pso2launcher
Only downside to this is that you skip the launcher and can't patch without the Tweaker.
After 5 reinstalls I finally got the game to work and not delete itself after putting it on my C drive and using the tweaker
I haven't had any problems since then
Give me ship 4-6 motherfuckers.
FFXIV is better than this trash
Actual opinions of PSO2?
Aw man. PSO2 already worked without issues on my machine, but the lobby stuttering is annoying as shit.
Don't know if I should do this.
Best class to mimic a Kamen Rider? Bouncer or Fighter?
>game gets ported
>still need fan patch to get it running
Friendly reminder from the GM that if you want the height slider put back in go post in this thread stating you support it so they can make the survey for the dev team.
Despite the combat improvements is not as good as pso1
Opinions on Ranger?
It's technically breaking the TOS but the game is about 100x more enjoyable with the lobby lag
I love weak bullet
Yeah but I cleared savage week 3 and now I have nothing to do until 5.3
What skills should I pick while leveling as a Gunner? Besides the gear one.
Why cant I change skin color as a female CAST?
at least I cant find an option for it or the armor.
So what are the ranged classes? Ranger and Gunner? Anything else?
Bouncer, now tell me the name of these cast parts so I can cry when I finally find out that they are crossover content.
Ranger, Gunner, and Bow Braver
Ranger = Supporty Guns
Gunner = Damage Guns
Bow Braver = High Skillcap
Supporty guns?
You have skills like Weak Bullet that place a debuff on an enemy body part that causes hits to it to do a fuckton of extra damage
How do I actually use emotes?
Thanks senpai.
Chain trigger always
Does it affect everyone?
What is the fix for the lobby lag?
basically you just have to
Yeah, it's great. The body part gets a big orange reticle on it to let everyone else know.
Ranger is also more of a long range class with rifles, while Gunner prefers up close shit with machine guns.
Enjoy your ban
Can you buy the mission pass cosmetics from other players or are they not tradable?
>If you are having install issues, use the tweaker for now:
>If you are having FPS/Stutter issues, do this
If I get banned I will honestly just go play something else. The game deserves to die if they ban people for fixing their mistake.
Gunner is just melee ranged guns right? Pure damage?
Basically yeah
Gunner is all about racking up a chain of combo hits for big damage
>Install PSO2
>Play it for a bit
>Close game and head to bed
>Get ready to play it the next day
>Doesn't work
>Reboot and it still doesn't work
>Reinstall to another hard drive
>Still not working
Great job there Microsoft. I had to make a bunch of room on my C drive, and I'm downloading the Tweaker. Hopefully that'll fix the issue. If not then I guess I'm just not gonna play the damn game.
color 2 is cast skin color im pretty sure