Confess your vidya sins Zig Forums
Confess your vidya sins Zig Forums
I found DmC to be more fun than either Bayonetta game
What's the point of confession
Saying your sin out loud to a priest makes it ok?
The priest acts as an intermediary allowing you to help confess and understand your sins
I will never buy a Nintendo console because they are retarded and underpowered
Buy 8/10 of the games I love from the last decade were on Nintendo
Thank god for emulation
I deeply hate immersive sims. Can’t into DE or System shock at all. I don’t even like bioshock and Prey.
I buy every handheld. Every handheld. Not just the Sony, Nintendo, Nvidia ones. Every new droid and dingux clone that muster the strength to start a kickstarter page. Every rasp pi shoved in a Nintendo shell on Etsy. Ever weird ass French arduino iteration. I have an addiction and it will never be satisfied.
catholics are a strange cult
I'm proud of my Dishonored playthroughs that were only possible because I savescummed like hell
I savescum all games that allow me to