I love smoking while playing games. I've been doing it for 20 years and it fucking owns...

I love smoking while playing games. I've been doing it for 20 years and it fucking owns. Try it out for yourself if you're not some smoke truther faggot.

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ok but I dont care

>smoking in 2020

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based, smoking is the best way to trigger liberals/jews. love blowing smoke in their faces as they walk by and watch them wince.

i love smoking weed while playing games and shitposting

good goy
keep buying my cancer sticks

>good goy
>keep buying my cancer sticks

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I smoke, but how can you do it with both hands busy? I don't like the idea of leaving the cigarette on the ashtray while you play something and then take a quick puff.

same, shitposting high as a kite is on a whole new level

>Caved and bought a pack after six weeks
>Sitting here right now trying to decide if I should have one or not
Thanks for pushing me over the edge with this thread. Do you ever really get over the hump?

I quit smoking after 5 years, have never had cravings, absolutely hate the smell of tobacco smoke, companies want you to buy 100-packs of nicotine gum at $50 a pop ($35 with coupon!) instead of the 20-packs for half the price, NRT is a meme, you are welcome for this informative post

pic related: 2-pack day smokers

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>falling for the tabacco jew

Ahahahaha enjoy your cancer dude.

>I love smoking while playing games. I've been doing it for 20 years and it fucking owns.
one of the worst habits a human could ever develop. have you seen first hand what people who smoke do to themselves on a daily basis? they literally have to drop everything they're doing to go inhale more of this thing their body really really really wants. if you're one of those smokers that manages to keep their whole house ash free and accomplishes more than their coworkers then you're in that minority that never should have started doing it in the first place. also, what about your lungs, teeth, and esophagus? don't you care?

but nah, we always have the freedom to make self-destructive choices so whatever

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>smoking inside
fucking disgusting. bet you got a five inch thick layer of tar on your walls, not to mention your electronics clogging up with dust and overheating themselves to death. Heaven forbid you have any pets because they're definitely dying from painful cancer. Fuck.

you leave the cigarette in your mouth

worst case you get ash falling on you

Don't do it retard. Don't you want to outlive all of us other retards?

>five inch thick layer of tar on your walls, not to mention your electronics clogging up with dust and overheating themselves to death
biggest meme
unless ur a pathetic faggot who doesnt clean his house regularly

lmao when
ive spent 20 years having a kick ass time smoking and i still run 5k a day. even if i do die early smoking made my quality of life so much better and my days more enjoyable that who fucking cares

i did this for 10 years and it made quitting almost impossible to due the urge to light up a cigarette whenever theres a cutscene

I quit a few months ago. I’m not even a social smoker after a few drinks anymore. I wish I was one of those people who gets nauseous from cigarette smoke after quitting. I still fucking love the smell and the taste, but they made me feel like shit. I refuse to get a vape though, that shits gay as fuck and if I need nicotine that bad I’ll smoke cigs like a fucking man

I've been a chain smoker for over a decade and I've never met a single smoker over the age of 18 that has encouraged the habit in anybody.

known enough smokers to know you can't keep up with the shit building up on the walls. moreover you have to use some engine degreaser level shit to really get it to come off.

I do but the thought of blasting a cig is at the front of my brain 24/7 and I can't ignore it. It's mental torment every day.

i made this soijack omegalul

Good job admitting he's right

Cigarettes fuck up my circulation and make my erections less firm.

>Smoking indoors

You'd have to be a pretty disgusting person to do this

Any time you feel that way eat some baby carrots. Won't work at first but that's the whole point of discipline, gotta force that shit and it sucks. Eventually your brain will start to replace urge for nicotine with urge for carrot.

6 years here. It gets easier the longer you go

Acetylcholine is my primary neurotransmitter, which means I'm essentially under the effects of nicotine at all times. Thus I have no need to smoke.

I've come to realize this site is geniunely full of deep south rednecks
those people who watch fake wrestling and have power fantasies about rolling coal

>literally coming on Zig Forums to shill cigarettes

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I don't feel anything when I smoke cigarettes. I don't understand the appeal. I'd rather just enjoy some weed every now and again whenever I'm offered.

>I wish I was one of those people who gets nauseous from cigarette smoke after quitting

that happens sooner than you think. i've had it when i've quit and i'm near a smoker. that said it's still always very easy to start again. i think a smoker that quits really needs to be careful about their habits and their company or fall back into it.

I like smoking but Everytime I do it I think about how much of a faggot I would be if I get addicted to this shit and need to smoke all the time so I stop. I still have like 12 of the last 20 pack I bought like 6 months ago

smoking is cringe. vaping too
just buy lollipops or something and suck on them instead

you do realize a lot of people live in red states, right? like no shit we got rednecks.

You'll see their "appeal" by stopping their use only to find out that you'ce craving for a smoke

It ages your skin super fast man it just aint worth it smoke cock if you gotta have something to suck on atleast you get a mouth full of cum to swallow down

>smoking cigarettes in current year

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>a lot of people live in red states
this is what southrons actually believe

I love cigarettes. Fuck vapes, fuck hookahs, fucking juuling, and fuck weed. And most importantly fuck zoomers.

use nic gum/pouches
if you really gotta try the nicotine only pouches like Zen
tobacco is the true devil's weed my boy