What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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whole basked ot chicken-egg problems
biggest problem that Linux has is that normalfags are too fucking retarded to understand that switching to Linux is best long-term option for them and for everyone else

Touko-chan is such a slut! Nanami is best girl!

Nothing. enjoy your chink botnet dumb Wincuck

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Is it though?
If normal folk start using Linux and other open source stuff en-masse, then big companies will try to take even more control of Linux than they already have been. Think about what happened with Google, Android, ChromeOS. Google has been even trying to prevent people from installing different browsers on their Chromebooks, that was the kind of move that got Microsoft sued by the US Government years ago.

You expected to be able to game on a platform for autists.

Why haven't you jumped into LTSC yet?

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wincuck COPE

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Nothing. Linux gaming is getting better by the day while more and more people complain about Win10 borking their games. I'm glad I've moved to Linux.

But I'm using poojaro right now.


I use both. They're each good for different purposes.

>gaming on windows: running a program
>gaming on linux: running a program within a program

It's hard to get people to use an operative system that needs a degree in technology to do something you can with two clicks in windows

Remember when games didn't run on top of the OS?

Plenty of games have native linux ports, and steamplay is at a point where most of the time the install and launch process isn't any different from playing a game natively.

Arch Linux is fucking ass. Good luck trying to develop and deploy anything remotely stable.

>move to linux in January
>Coronavirus makes me work from home, have to reinstall Windows because of work software
>get an email telling me I now work permanently from home
Guess it wasn't meant to be.

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linux is a bad operating system.

Because I'm not a retard who runs old/stable on a desktop machine.

Gee thanks user, now I have to masturbate again.

Just virtualize, 4head.


>You now work permanently from home
I hate to say it, but your company might be replacing you soon

sup dawg


Been running Debian for a couple months now and I have literally no complaints. My games just werk with lutris. Only thing I miss is Apex which doesn't work due to anti-cheat.

Makes sense since it's just a kernel

>decide to try out linux
>'oh god what the FUCK is going on'
>literally have to bing nearly everything I want to do
So this is what a boomer feels like when they try to send an email

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People that aren't basement dwellers (like me) don't give a single fuck about your sudo apt gets and screenfetch and shit. Me personally I want daw's, video editors and photo editors and it doesn't have that. Not the ones I want at least or with the stability I get on windows or osx.

But thanks for making my craptop feel like a Ferrari I guess.

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>>literally have to bing

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I make my hentai music videos just fine with kdenlive and it's MUCH more stable than when I used vegas on Windows.

>But thanks for making my craptop feel like a Ferrari I guess.
It's crazy how much better it feels even on gaming PCs. Whenever a friend uses my machine there is an initial "whoa" moment as they feel the mouse move across the screen without the extra windows input lag.

Windows 10 always wins baby.

big companies are more than welcome. they can try to put blobs all they want but it wont get to the core of linux, meanwhile all the additional support will all make linux better supported

It wasn't supposed to be like that

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Okay but why would you give a shit about developmental stability on a desktop OS primarily for gaming

Technology shouldn't get in the way, even for home use.

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I play the Sims 3 on my poor laptop rn. Funny enough I cannot run the Sims 2. I don't have gpu that supports vulkan.

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When I am not working for a company I work fixing computers, I need to be familiar all the retarded problems that come with Windows.

Anything that's not rolling release gets in the way