Here is your Silent Hill

Attached: Silent-Hill-logo.jpg (655x385, 39.77K)

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Fuck it, I'll take it.

Looks like Silent Hill and The Evil Within had a baby.
Does it take place in Poland itself? I always wanted an horror game set in Slavlands, I think their rural places have a lot of potential for this, specially those Russian industrial towns.

Attached: Russia smelting industry.jpg (4256x2832, 496.88K)

What a horrible tagline. This honestly looks extremely mediocre, safe to skip this one. The Yamaoka track was pretty solid though.


I need more info and gameplay

Looks like Alan Wake and Haunting Ground had a baby, literally it seems.

I was gonna say, why is the song so fucking good though? Akira is doing the music?

Can't wait for the modern western gameplay.

Attached: sh2.webm (854x480, 2.96M)

>The medium
Wow I can’t believe they’re finally shipping the SBURB beta guys, can’t wait to get my copy!

Attached: ADFB52ED-4489-42EC-B0E7-A60192B2C957.png (1200x1270, 19.96K)

What game is this?

Looks like shit from a shit developer.

did you watch the video until the end? They comment abour it

Funny that i'm literally more interested about the soundtrack than the garbage as fuck looking game.



What's the source on this?

>the garbage as fuck looking game.
The game looks extremely promising. What on earth are you talking about?

Tell me ONE modern western game with that interface, you literally can't

It's hyper bizarre because modern AAA games have super minimalist interfaces while Japanese games have icon spam nonsense.

>pregnant whore cutscene
into the trash it goes

I Will Now Buy Your Game

Attached: 1445695675422.jpg (600x602, 31.96K)

Why don't the Japanese make horror games anymore.

Silent Hill is not a hardcore franchise lol. Neither is classic RE for that matter. They are very forgiving games. Why do "fans" pretend otherwise?

Resident evil?

I'll play both. But I fully expect this to be a walking sim with small puzzles.

this is a joke right?
it looks like those "fill the screen with as much UI elements as you can" we got here

Silent hill 1(and maybe 2 if i am not mistaken) killed the final boss for you if you arrived without ammo, fans are retarded

>nu Resident evil
>Horror game

Attached: 1556902974366.jpg (412x352, 19.54K)

Ok tell me how the fuck is REmake2 and 7 are not 'horror games'

Where the FUCK is the semen meter


Attached: 1589853846771.gif (180x180, 2.66M)

>dark zones so scary!!!
are you 4 years old still sleeping with the lights on?

looks like shit

>Tips fedora

Attached: tyranta.jpg (800x450, 42.7K)

>Resident evil horror is only made of dark zones
I will give you another chance

Tension and environment ya dingus

I like it, but I've been burned in the past. Wait and see

where is the DT meter?

Great, another movie game garbage. This is not even close to Silent Hill. Put this cinematic shit on the garbage can.

This. It's just realistic shit. I pass.

So im playing through the original silent hill for the first time and just finished the hospital, the lady from the church gave me an antique shop key and told me to go to silent hills other church, but the map marker still has the hospital circled? Explored town for almost an hour and couldnt find the next place to go what the fuck bros? no spoilers please

>This is not even close to Silent Hill
Considering how i saw people call silent hill a movie game and say the gameplay was not important it its similar if we go by that

Huh? I thought secluded vast forests and abandoned villages are more appropriate
idk what's scary about industrial shitholes, they're about muh bleak muh depression faggotry than horror but i guess Dark Woods commands some respectful breadth to it

>Does it take place in Poland itself?
>Horror game made by Blooper Team (Observer, Blair Witch)
>You play as Marianne, a medium and you can see two different worlds (real world/spirit world) - Takes place in Kraków, Poland
->No loading screens between switching worlds

No loading screens between worlds? Holy shit, that's just like my favourite Silent Hill game, Homecoming!

Technically homecoming had loading screens between the worlds