What's your dream vidya?
What's your dream vidya?
Experiencing all kinds of pleasure sent to my brain.
Turn Based Fantasy CRPG that has good characters, writing, combat and story. Literally impossible to find one. DOS has good combat but pretty shit characters. POE deadfire is POE deadfire. Temple of Elemental Evil is pretty dated and there have been major advancements to UI elements since 2001. Here's to hoping BG3 actually has some good characters and story. It probably won't though.
dark souls with guns
Something that would give me that new game on Christmas morning feel
Freelancer II.
Wholesome simulator complete with full force hugs.
cyberpunk 2077
only with a mega metropolis and focus on rpg mechanics rather than being gta:near-future
fps pvm mmo kinda like destiny except less shitty
It's a secret
>full force hugs
>couch cuddling
>body warmth simulation
>rainy days
>pregnant bellies
>warm cookies
I'd play it.
a full-experience vr sim where I can hang out with a friendly dragon and pet/cuddle him. then we can have some bbq on the beach and go for a swim or build a sandcastle and siege it
A VR game made for a VR headset with retina display resolution
Modern day objective-based Wolfenstein multiplayer
the death of trump and the rise of obama
VR game with time dilation so that I can spend the rest of my life in it
A first person or third person RPG where I can decorate a comfy apartment in a cool city
Remnant: from the ashes?
changing my answer to this
and/or a homestead or village in the country
A proper sequel to ragnarok online
A good game.
Other than that, Diablo 3 without the powercreep gone mad and more flexibility would be great. Also proper weapons animations.
A good Thief sequel.
A good Dishonored sequel.
An open world steampunk/dieselpunk mix game in a fictional city that mixes up american and british cities. Have some RPG elements and "futuristic" stuff whose leaders don't want those tech advances but they half develop anyway. Have some magic ala FMA but just smaller scale.
Main character is prime Jencon with an advanced artificial arm that gives her great strength.
Story involves the city constant push against tech, magic. Underground outlaw stuff and MC Identity problems themes.
A breeder game that gets more fucked up as it goes on. Incest will cause extreme mutations, aliens breedable, able to make atomic super men, and then fight them in brutal fashion similar to pokemon/godzilla, but when get enough it become like dawn of war. So an army of incestuous godzillas vs mechanized gigans.
A fantasy VR a bit like SAO, but with magic.
City Simulation x Civilization where it essentially goes from 1850s to 2050, and you see the architecture of your city change with time amongst other changes and additions. It’d have the charm of old SimCity games and each era would offer tons of new buildings so that your city can change and evolve over time organically.
Fuck Cities Skylines.
American Conquest Fight Back & Divided Nations with built-in scenario editor with a working UI and RAM/CPU usage patched to allow for battles with hundreds of thousands of soldiers on high resolutions (4k+) and increased map sizes
I'll gladly play it for the rest of my life
A Witcher 3 scope tier rpg with DmC5/Sekiro combat.
I might be describing Elder ring now that i think of it.
Try Remnant user.
elden ring won't have a story/atmopshere/music/immersion as remotely good as TW3's and you know it. UNLESS they give GRRM more agency and let him give the game a real story, not just a lore.
Another 3D Sonic game with the scope of Unleashed except triple to quadruple in size and open world environments that lead into levels which are like worlds of their own and you can play as Sonic Tails Knuckles Amy and Shadow and Rouge and Omega as special characters and its a great massive story as epic as the Adventure games with honest dialogue and no self awareness. You can unlock Super Sonic and Super Shadow at the end and Super Tails and Knuckles too. And you can even unlock Eggman and fly around in his Eggmobile at the very end of the game to explore new stages in the sky. It would be fucking sweet.
My dream game is a Sonic game like this. I could probably die happy if this game existed. Not even fucking around.