Sekiro is the most worthless of piece of shit game i have ever witnessed fuck THIS GAME SO FUCKING MUCH!

Sekiro is the most worthless of piece of shit game i have ever witnessed fuck THIS GAME SO FUCKING MUCH!

F U C K ! ! !

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acquire skill

>That cat getting almost abused
Holy shit bros i fucking hate asian insects so much they dont deserve any love in this planet i hope that fatto piggu fucking dies off.

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Literally just press L1 and circle and you win

>nearly kills the cat because of his aspergers

Poor cat having to live with a chink subhuman

Why people just suck so much and blame the game?

>not the heckin kitten!

Some games are legit unfair, but I highly doubt Sekiro is like that (never played it).

clearly korean you retard

>almost abused

He never even looked at the cat. The only abuse it has to suffer was to sit in this wooden pot.

>cause hundreds of dollars in damage of your own stuff because you died in a game where dying has no repurcussions
I don't get it, is it the 'spergs or the downs?

what fucking enemy/boss was that

Gooks and their anger problem man.

Poor cat, good ting he ran off, rage autists are terrible people and have no self control.

>turn back to enemy
>it doesn't stop attacking you

It's kids who never had to work for the things they own because their parents are doormats who will buy them whatever they want.

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You guys lied to me. You said all asian people were good at vidya. I fucking suck and I beat all of Sekiro with little trouble and without chimping out.

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>Getting this upset over a mediocre game...

Asians are really good looking at fighting games and clickcraft.

FPS and strategy games that require the big pictures are dominated by whites.

Mad cuz bad lol

what about Starcraft?

What do you think he meant by "clickcraft?"

>fighting games and clickcraft.

for some reason I pictured Gacha games

sekiro is more fair than any souls game

hesitation is defeat

I thought the only skill needed for gacha was deep pockets?

It's true, because you can move without feeling like an old man.

Are you sure? He's Korean, maybe wanted a snack to calm him down.

it can get tough but its never been unfair

Holy shit that's at the shitty college I went to. I used to pass by that guy every time I went to one of my classes.

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fuck u for making me laugh