Why is Touhou Project the best series of video games ever, Zig Forums?
Why is Touhou Project the best series of video games ever, Zig Forums?
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>best anything
You can fuck off right back to Zig Forums with opinions this retarded
Cunny and soul.
Because it's popular or reddit
It's up
I don't care in the slightest about virtual youtubers or whatever the fuck but my best hope for this is that ZUN gets a new love of pirates and finally puts an ocean in touhou
Nah, but its pretty great, even if I've been fairly turned off by recent ones, though thats more due to other games taking up my time more tha anything
Kys weeb
Don't just say "it's up" and expect me to have the slightest clue about what you're talking about. What is this and what does it have to do with oceans
they seem to just be talking about touhou in general
Does anyone know what happened to the english subbed version of m1 grand prix 14 and EX 2? They seem to have been removed from youtube.
I liked these little character illustrations they showed off
touhou content that's only ever been subbed on youtube gets deleted all the time, it's really just an ongoing reason to either learn japanese or start hoarding every bit of content you find
why are they speaking in japanese?
no, in german
>touhou has been around for a quarter of a century
ZUN playing some rounds
it looks like it's more than just those two that are gone this time
from what I can see, bits of everything prior to 10 have been deleted, and the entirety of the second remake, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are all gone
sad part is that we'll likely never see them again because most of these were done by independent translators and not a group
big sads
What 2hu merch do you have?
Because it’s leftist propaganda
a bootleg pack of playing cards with stolen art on them and four of hokuto's seija doujins
Reimu's gohei, 100% authentic.
It's a mediocre series of shmups with mediocre music and uninteresting characters. Its popularity is fueled entirely by doujin content and inertia. I genuinely do not understand how this series gained enough traction in the first place to become as popular as it did.
this kappa is autistic, and i love her.