What did Nintendo mean by this?
What did Nintendo mean by this?
Blake Rogers
Adam Wright
Peach doesn't wear anything under her dress.
Grayson Rivera
uh oh stinky smash players
Connor Butler
whats the green stuff in the toilet?
Jeremiah Lee
She doesn't shower with clothes on. That'd be silly.
David Russell
Reminder that watching this is what makes TEC fall in love with her
Ayden Morgan
that they like to use sex appeal in their games despite their supposedly "Family friendly" image
Andrew Gomez
you don't even get an silhouette of peach, is the idea that women shower at all inherently sexy to you?
Elijah Gonzalez
There's a part later where Peach has to sneak through the entire base while being fully naked. I'm sure plenty of people have masturbated to that too.
David Roberts
I would