what went wrong?
What went wrong?
they weren't really friends
Liam did nothing wrong
I bet that guy with the punisher bandana and the eyebrow piercing smells like a litter box in real life
Got pozzed
They were youtubers who actually enjoyed niche nerdy bullshit, as opposed to playing things up for the sake of the youtube algorithm and pandering to children who just want to see streamers shrieking at Minecraft or Fortnite for 700 episodes. So trying to maintain a balance of relevance and regular content output ended up turning what was once a hobby into a full-time job that put a strain on any genuine relationship they may have once had as a group of friends.
Or maybe Pat's just hard to work with on a regular basis in real life. I don't know, I've never met them.
>Pat delayed the podcast for the umpteenth time
What the fuck was the reasoning now? Did he decide to go to bed at 6 AM again?
funny how Matt is less of an insufferable faggot than the rest of them now.
liam is a tranny and matt is a nigger also pat is a fat annoying fuck woolie is just lame
hi liam
hi matt
personality tropes that barley function together and are abysmally awful on their own
hey Pat. how's the pot of gold?
He's fat, has a whiny nasely voice and everything else you're imagining.
Why are you surprised that the careers of four underachieving millennials who get by solely on personality did not last?
what happened to the Liam guy?
Liam is a jealous cuck and woolie is a nigger with nigger opinions
Has Woolie played the BLM card over George Floyd yet?
Woolie's kept it to a minimum, surprisingly. it's Pat and Paige are acting like condescending cunts and defensive crybabies.
Matt was the only one that put production value into the channel. Him and Liam were also autistic crybaby bitches and couldn't get along with pat. I'm not even surprised in the slightest that Matt is the only one that puts out content with even a modicum of effort in it anymore.
>Reads off wikis now
Effort? You know he just pays an editor to create videos right?
>Matt is autistic and has a diaper fetish
>Wears a onesie in a video and sports out
>Woolie sitting next to him looks visibly uncomfortable l
>Liam upset because he got cucked
>Liam realizes he was never interesting or funny
he deadnamed a trans woman in his dream once. He thankfully apologized to xer profusely after the fact on twitter, but he definitely stepped over the line that time
Exactly. he goes through the effort of hiring writers, editors, and animators to work on his videos
Liam is good once in a blue moon. And his willingness to argue with the others brings a dynamic. I liked when he licked his hand and touched Pat's TV to bother him. But he gets tiresome
Last I saw he's making games now, I've met him at cons a couple times and he's a really nice person
They were all retarded faggots and none of them were ever funny
>what went wrong?
Matt and Liam couldn't take banter
Isn't Matt the only one who's relatively OK in terms of Youtube views nowadays? Pat, Liam, and Woolie are barely relevant nowadays.
Liam is a huge bitch and he was never funny
Matt is a huge bitch and he was never funny
Woolie and Patt are fine
What they need are two more people who aren't fucking trash. They need other people to riff with.
White people took over
This is 10,000 times more effort than Woolie doing 400 hour unedited LPs with his ESL tard friends and Pat just uploading stream archives which are 80% him thanking people for subbing, sitting there doing nothing.
That's literally 90% of all channels.
No, they pretty much stopped making traditional videos when matt fucked off. They stream. They were also partnered with roosterteeth. Liam had a panic attack upon hearing that they were more successful than him.