Don't lie, Zig Forums.
Have you ever spent money on a F2P game?
Benjamin Butler
Josiah Sanders
Yes. Path of Exile.
Mason Hernandez
i've spent like $50 in bang dream
James Reed
bitch get your smelly toes out of my face
Angel Cox
I bought a TI compendium and some announcers in Dota 2. Other than that I can't recall every spending real life cash.
Jackson Edwards
yeah, warframe
Juan Mitchell
>I bought a TI compendium
But why
Ethan Bennett
RuneScape and some hats and shit when the TF2 store first released
Austin Wilson
Not my money
Christian Roberts
>feet takes up 50% of picture or more space than the girl
t. footfag that's actually based
You other footfags should be ashamed of yourselves.