Anyone misses symmetra 2.0?

Anyone misses symmetra 2.0?

She was so much fun to play, I was really mad when she was reworked. She eas so underrated

Attached: 7fb.png (1280x1007, 1.6M)

I feel like only a handful of people still invest in OW as a game franchise while the rest stick to the fujo and porn aspect of the game.

Why the fuck did they take away 400 hp from Reinhardt's shield.

Double shield crap?

Why the fuck they nerfed Symmetra a COUNTER to double shit meta? Ain't thag fucking stupid??

Attached: 9ck2hhvzsfu41.jpg (640x442, 37.46K)

I quit because of the rework and haven't played since. Reworks kills fun. Same shit happened to League of Legends.

I quited league when they reworked LeBlanc. Never came back to it after that

at least she has some good quality sfm porn

Attached: overwatch-symmetra-blizzard-sexy.jpg (1332x850, 207.11K)

All shields lost health