left or right?

Attached: Trail in the sky (TITS XD).jpg (2182x614, 313.94K)

haha tits xD

left: cute
right: hey guys, welcome to EB games

fuckin weeb trash
>b-but muh west
suck my fat cock

Doesn't the original version literally have more facial expressions per character portrait when it comes to the main characters? Also right because nostalgia.

>remaster version is cropped.

which version is which? Right looks nice.

I don't know this game but I would say left: soul, right: remake trash

This game was made in the west you fat retard.

>right: remake trash


Left: Soul
Right: Soul except for the portrait.

anime artstyle is so soulless

Right is the original retard. Left like many other remakes destroys detail

left: soulless wall and fround textures, incredibly uniform, character power-washed away
right: SOULful wall texture, shows history, feels lived in

still clearly, obviously, distinctly inspired by east, you mouthbreathing mongoloid piece of human trash

The left is the remake, correct? Why are the environments blurrier in the left than in the right? The left looks like a layer of vaseline has been smeared across the screen.

Left was a remake of a PC game made for the Vita. Right is a PC game made originally for 640x480 monitors, then upscaled.


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cute potato, is there a mod to get the remake art into the pc version?

Yes, pretty sure you can find it on nyaa

I thought the opposite

Found it, thanks

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I think right’s portrait has infinitely more soul desu

>This game was made in the west

never played it, but i prefer right.

neither, trails is crap

good present

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go to horny jail

yes evo sucks original has soul get it we've had these circlejerks 1000 times

are there shotas there?

He did nothing wrong.

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