Being a pokemon fan in 2020 is embarrassing

Being a pokemon fan in 2020 is embarrassing

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wasn't it always

Pokemon games take no skill.
They were ALWAYS an embarrassment

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Is the onions face actually an unironic real phenomenon? I thought it was just a dumb shit post making fun of nerds....

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It was never ironic

No one will ever beat /ourguy/

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You're not allowed to show any kind of emotion or have any positive feelings towards things you enjoy. Everything you do has to be steeped in several layers of irony and cynicism because God forbid someone catch you being genuine and calling you cringe on the internet.

Look at this basedboy, getting excited over shit that is not new at all (29:20)

There is no logical reason to pull basedfaces when watching something you enjoy. I do not see the benefit of it. Nothing will happen when I make a dumb face when I watch something I like. So why would I make facial expressions? It's unnecessary.