>world's going to go to shit before we get news on Re Fantasy, EO's next stage, SMTV or even a P5S translation
What megaten game are you playing right now Zig Forums?
World's going to go to shit before we get news on Re Fantasy, EO's next stage, SMTV or even a P5S translation
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Been playing Devil Survivor. Living in NYC really brings out the immersion of the game
Imagine, where chaos isn't rioting in the streets.
>Been playing Devil Survivor.
Finished P5R a few weeks ago, boring as hell.
Now I'm pondering on playing Raidou 2, SMTIV: Apocalypse, or Strange Journey
SMT Apocalypse at last
Then I'll play Strange Journey sex duck
P5S will probably get a translation announced at the New Game + Expo. I'm not playing any MegaTen games at the moment anyway though, but I'm running out of ones to play, but I guess I'll play P1 next. I always put off P1 and 2 because I wanted to play SMT if... first, but I did play it a couple of months ago, so now's the time I suppose.
Is P5S any good? What is the word from JP Players?
I haven't been keeping up with it much, but people seem fairl positive about it overall. The most specific things I've heard are that the story is not bad but it feels like a side story rather than being a full blown sequel like some people though it would be and apparently there's a Shadow Joker fight or something that was in one of the trailers that was disappointing considering how it was presented in the trailer, I haven't seen the trailer so I don't know how it looked there though. People seem to like the new characters too. I've heard some people say it plays like a better version of Raidou, which kind of makes sense and sounds interesting, but I haven't watched any gameplay because I'm waiting to just play it myself.
Play Strange Journey, it may be obtuse as hell, but its got some of the most passion and soul put into it
First SMT, so bad i dont speak nip so i have to play snes version.
I would not call SJ obtuse by any means, its dungeons are just an ordeal (which in my opinion is its best quality). Mechanically it is very straightforward.
Beat P4G for the first time yesterday, gonna start new game+ today.
>I hate the class system!
>the strong should rule!
never gets old
Chaosfags are delusional
YHVH proved himself superior to other demons and banished his opponents to stay on top as the strongest demon
I got to the end of Lucifer's Palace in IV and I am trying to complete the archangel fights before doing it but Michael keeps kicking my ass
I started playing dds1 but it's kind of meh so far
Then he acted like an out of touch old bitch when you did the the same to him
Does the wingdings actually say anything coherent?
>yfw SMTV actually already came out, its just taking place in the real world instead of being a Switch game
"the pleasure of being cummed inside"
Why do people hate the soundtrack in SJ again?
I sure hope all of you are playing the gacha to help support the development of future SMT titles.
Its OST is super small compared to every of SMT game, only 2 battle themes including the boss theme for 95% of the game sucks a fat one
This game is so basic and never has anything interesting to say. It's more for lorehounds that don't care about interesting conversations.
I did it quick so there's probably mistakes
"let me fuse with a hot demon be and i'll join your party human!"
>oppression due to social status and family name is the same as meritocracy
Based retard
It's "demon babe", actually.
This isn't a dark souls thread
About to start Digital Devil Saga, now that I've dusted off my PS2.
If I'm gonna play P5, should I go with the original version, or Royal? I know P4 Golden was more for folks who played the first game, and I don't want to spoil myself too badly on a remake.
Then where's the messiah to save us from this shithole?
Depends on how much Royal improves the game. I got sick of P5 around 30 hour mark and never went back.
>paying for mobileshit
Royal, no question. It makes a lot of changes that make the game a lot more enjoyable on the whole, even putting aside the new content, which is also very good.
Always go with the enhanced re-release, why the fuck wouldn't you?
It's me, I'm just waiting for STEVEN to send me the Demon Summoning Program so I can begin my adventure.
>>oppression due to social status and family name is the same as meritocracy
Yes. Talent is just a matter of luck, the best in a meritocracy are just the luckiest at birth just like those born into rich families. It's just as valid. Money is power.