ADMIT IT. It's not possible to make an open world game with 10000+ pokemon.
ADMIT IT. It's not possible to make an open world game with 10000+ pokemon
stfu slut
dumb debiruposter
It is though. It would need a lot of money and competent developers.
dumb Sataniaposter is dumb
No big surprise
All sataniaposters should die in a fire
not without making them procedurally or worse yet, have them power creep super bad like the tcg
We haven't even hit 1000 yet though
I don't give a fuck how many pokeon are in, though the more the better obviously. What matters is fixing the obvious shit
> remove the fucking useless babby handholding that lasts the entire game
> Give us one proper rival, we don't need seventeen useless fuckers crowding up everywhere
> Let us go against someone who is objectively in the wrong like team rocket and their slowpoketail business, don't make it all political idealism like "I wanna save world by destroying it mmmhhm"
> fix the broken useless mons like regigigas
> give us back secret base building and cool side shit like that
> get rid of exp on capture, it's fucking retarded
> get rid of capture level restrictions, it's fucking retarded
> Make sure to include Onix because hes cool as fuck and needs a buff
It is.
No, that's lazy writing
No, not every pokemon is going to be top tier
Secret bases were lame
Eh, I could do without it
>capture level restrictions? you mean obeying, right?
Onix has a buff, it's called Steelix
Open World Pokemon is a retarded meme
By capture level restrictions, i meant how in Sword & shield you can't capture pokemon higher than your level. that's kinda dull bro not gonna lie.
Also i don't want every pokemon to be top tier, i just want them to have a use. Regigigas is just so bad that he's basically unusable, which is a shame for a legendary.
as long as GF is at the helm then probably not
anything is possible if you aren't lazy
One of which TPC and Gamefreak have and it isn't the competent developers.
Is that a challenge?
I miss secret bases. It was comfy as fuck to just come home from school, boot up Emerald and see your trainer just vibing in the base you built while the rain poured outside, both ingame and IRL. Sure, there wasn't a lot to do with them, but it was still pleasant to have one.
Right? They were chill as hell.
the thing they did with team flare (i think that was the name) in x & y was even lazier writing than team rocket imo
it is but what would be the point when everyone would use best 6
>open world
>1200+ monsters
It's 2d but it's made by like 2 people
Having a lot of Pokemon isn't what's important, what's important is having enough content to justify the lack of Pokemon
Do you know how much money pokemon makes? They could make the most expensive game of all time and it would still make bank. On a pokemon sized wallet you could probably make the most groundbreaking mindblowing game literally ever.
Good thing there isn't even a thousand Pokemon though
I mean if you want to text mud could but that would be a bother to set up.
Theres not even that many pokemon and if there were half of them would be awful user. Pokemon already encourages far too much metagaming
dumb spic is dumb
No big surprise
The World would have to be even bigger than Satania's tits
what's this
Your right
But that doesn't mean they can cut Pokemon and content and still somehow make it shittier than a Gamecube Game
>not counting megas
It's not impossible at all. They just need a LOOOOOONNNNGGGG ass development period and a shit tonne of money that will last throughout the whole development.
Game Freak and Nintendo have the resources to do this. They just choose otherwise.
All sataniaposters should bounce on my dick
megas are alternate forms, not new mons, and even if they were there aren't 110 of them