Don't mind me, just the best Fire Emblem game of all time passing through

Don't mind me, just the best Fire Emblem game of all time passing through.

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Objectively true.

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user, it's been almost ten years since I emulated this in my freshman year of high school and to this day, I still love Othin very much.

FUN FACT: Every time I got his hatchet in Awakening, I maxed out the crit and accuracy as best as I can and renamed it the Pugi Axe. Still my favorite weapon and the second most gar unit in the franchise of all time.

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Parking him on a wall breach in this chapter and watching him decimate that entire part of the map on the enemy phase sure was fun.

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Based Jugdral Chad. I personally like genealogy better, but still great taste. Manster escape still haunts me though

One thing I miss that nobody mentions is that the antagonists also had kids as well, not just your team. It was interesting fighting Ishtar, Ishtore, Julius, etc.

Thracia wrath is the most fun skill in the series

Out of my way best unit in the entire series coming through.

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Haven't played Tharcia yet but isn't that the skill that guarantees a crit on enemy phase?

Best map in the series.

Yes, 100% crit on enemy phase. Very fun, especially when Osian can easily get 100% crit on player phase too between his prf axe and high FCC.

This game is immensely overrated, it's easy as shit since all the enemies are complete pushovers and you get tons of overpowered weapons and staves that let you trivialize everything. There's a ton of terrible design decisions like the 99% hit rate maximum, poorly positioned reinforcement spawns that come with no warning, infinite staff range, etc. There's not a lot of tactical depth due to the simplicity of the mechanics. Story-wise it's pretty trite and the last boss being a generic mook is pretty unsatisfying. Most of your army has so little dialogue they're basically just generic units rather than memorable characters.
That said, you're probably right about it being the best fire emblem game.

You're thinking of genealogy user. Same timeline though. I also thought that aspect was really cool. FE 4 and 5 have the best story in my opinion.

Are Tear Ring Saga and Berwick Saga worth emulating? Also what did we think of Vestaria Saga?

Based Mekkkkkkkkkkkah

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Oh, goodness, Chapter 14!? I was on a school trip nine years ago when I ran this map. I remember my trip roomie (who has now become one of my best bros) wasn't even bothered the whole time I ran it. He just fell asleep.

>not mentioning the Pugi

>all those houses
user, don't remind me. I just remembered the map music for Chapter 5. And hoping desperately that Eyvel misses.

That being said, even if I would never call myself a Chad (especially since I played this game on Elite Mode but love it all the same), I'd like to thank you anyway, user. We all know the real chad is (pic related) if it isn't based dada Sigurd.

Xenogears is to Squeenix/Monolith Soft as FE5 is to Intelligent Systems.
AKA, their best works.


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You're right about the characters. All FE games have that problem and it's a shame. They could easily give these characters some dialogue to give them some personality, but most of them are literally whos because the only dialogue they have is when they join you. Huge waste

Berwick saga is Kaga's best work. It feels like the proper evolution of Fire emblem. TRS I found to be okay. It was too much like sacred stones for me to really like. Berwick is incredible tho

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Tell that to 14-15 year old me and he'd disagree.

Me now, on the other hand, sees a lot of your points. The mechanics may be simple, but they still won't help you around the terrible design decisions (needlessly convoluted maps being another) can really turn many off.

user, quick! Who deserves to be talked about more as a result of not getting enough in-game attention, and why is it (pic related)?

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Ever since I started playing Fire Emblem in 2017, this was claimed to be one of the hardest and yeah it is a challenge but I still love it.

BUT it was funny to have a glance at the community and how many back seat gamers there are for the twitch community for the other games and how people will speak highly about using wrong strats or wrong units.... BUT then when they play 776 they suck hard and do dumb shit and shit the bed and it's always funny the game bites back at these fucking n00bs who claim they have beaten other fire emblems on lunatic difficulty and shit. Love the series, the community is great to laugh at.

Just about all of them, but I'd say Salem. It'd be interesting to hear him talk about what the Loptyr cult is like on the inside. Matcha (or however you spell her name) could definitely benefit from more dialogue. Apparently her and Brighton are married, that could have been made more clear

>gets offended by sanaki in a wedding dress

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fe5 is a weirdly imbalanced game where enemies are super easy with a small unavoidable chance of killing you, while completing the maps and secret objectives can be insanely hard. The only way you could the *game* easy as a whole is if you outright skip entire levels with Warp. Nothing stops you from doing that but it's not really beating the game.

Also fe12 is much better than 5.

>All FE games have that problem and it's a shame.
This hasn't really been a problem since the gba games.

Sara best girl

Although this game is a joke when played casually it becomes a lot more interesting when you take turncount into account. It's fun to figure out tactics that reliably clear maps in as few turns as possible since moving around is affected by rescue chains, you don't have much time to grind stats, and resources like staves are need to be optimized. I recommend playing the game this way if you haven't already, it's even encouraged by the in-game ranking system. If you've already done this, try doing it without warp.

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I blind ironmanned this game and it was the most fun I ever had in Fire Emblem bar none.

>with a small unavoidable chance of killing you
What are you talking about? You can avoid any chance of them killing you.
>while completing the maps and secret objectives can be insanely hard.
No, what are you talking about specifically? At most it's time consuming to get the member card while recruiting xavier but I wouldn't call it hard.
>The only way you could the *game* easy as a whole is if you outright skip entire levels with Warp.
Last time I played it I didn't use warp or rewarp at all, played without level up stat gains, and I did all the side objectives, and it was still easy so I'm lost.

>What are you talking about? You can avoid any chance of them killing you.
There are often big waves of shit-tier enemies who get a lot of chances to chip away at you with low hit rates. If you use the more fragile units they have a small chance of dying.

>No, what are you talking about specifically? At most it's time consuming to get the member card while recruiting xavier but I wouldn't call it hard.
I remember levels being full of rare items and stuff, often on fleeing thieves. Getting everything can be a lot of work.

>Last time I played it I didn't use warp or rewarp at all, played without level up stat gains, and I did all the side objectives, and it was still easy so I'm lost.
Not sure what kind of turbo-autism this is but I'm not normally the kind of person to play a game even twice. Basically everyone playing fe5 for the first time, trying to play even a little bit fair and complete all the objectives, will find the game extremely hard. DESU I had forgotten how spectrum-y the FE community could be.

>SU I had
I recently completed thracia 776 and im convinced that everyone who says they find it easy has either used a guide or is lying

Beating the game at all without any form of guide is probably hard as shit. I looked up all the secrets and stuff but also tried my best to get everything so it was hard for me too. It's "easy" for autistics who play it fifteen times in a row and forget that they had to learn how to do everything.